3. SPC Products: File Menu/Toolbar/Quick Keys

The SPC Configuration window includes many menu items and toolbar buttons to facilitate creating and finding products and quality characteristics.

1 SPC Configuration: Menu bar.
2 SPC Configuration: Toolbar
3 SPC Configuration: Quick keys.

SPC Configuration: Menu Bar

The SPC Configuration window menu bar includes the following menus/items.

  • File menu.
  • Edit menu.
  • View menu.
  • Tools menu.
  • Help menu.

File Menu

New Create a new item. Note: Items on the extended menu are enabled/disabled based on what current item is selected in the SPC Configuration window.
Open Open the Open browser to replace the open SPC document with another SPC document.
Save Save the selected SPC document.
Save As Open the Save as browser to save the open SPC document in a different location and/or with a different name.
Properties Open the Document Properties dialog box.
Documents Open a listed recently opened document.
Exit Close the SPC Configuration window.

Edit Menu

Cut Cut the selected item.
Copy Copy the selected item.
Paste Paste the selected item in the same or a different SPC document.
Delete Delete the selected item.
Rename Rename the selected item.
Properties Open the Properties dialog box for the selected item.

View Menu

Toolbar Display/hide the toolbar.
Check Displays the toolbar.
Clear Hides the toolbar.
Status Bar Display/hide the status bar.
Check Displays the status bar.
Clear Hides the status bar.
Split Displays a temporary slider that instantly changes the left/right pane widths when you click the mouse.
Icons Display your selection in the right-pane.
Note: Click anywhere in the right-pane to enable the display options on the menu and toolbar.
Options are:
Large Icons
Small Icons
Attributes Open the Configure Display Attributes dialog box. The attributes, which can be added or removed, display in the Details view.
Note: Attributes listed in the Display attributes box display in the right-pane Details view, left to right, in the order they are listed.

Tools Menu

Find Opens a Find a Product/Quality Characteristics browser. Wild cards can replace the following.
* One or more characters in the string.
? One character in the string.
Filters are:
Product Name All or part of the product name
QC Name (Quality Characteristic name) All or part of the name assigned to the variable, attribute or defect.
QC Type Variable, Attribute, defect
Dynamic (When the project is running) Turns on/off Dynamic mode for SPC.
Important: : The CIMPLICITY project needs to be running when you work with SPC charts in CimEdit/CimView. Dynamic mode must be turned on in order for a chart to be alerted to  product and quality characteristic changes made in the SPC Configuration dialog box.

Help Menu

Help Topics Open CIMPLICITY documentation beginning with SPC.
About SpcCfg View build, copyright and other details about SPC and CIMPLICITY.

SPC Configuration: Toolbar

Toolbar buttons correspond to basic menu items.

A New item.
B Open.
C Save.
D Cut.
E Copy.
F Paste.
G Dynamic.
H View: Large icons.
I View: Small icons.
J View: List.
K View: Details.
L About SpcCfg.

SPC Configuration: Quick Keys

Some quick keys in the SPC Configuration window are as follows.

Important: The key strokes work when the correct item is selected.


When a product is selected the quality characteristics and Defect folder can be created. Quick keys to create other items will not do anything.

o Alt+f+n+s New SPC Configuration Document.
o Alt+f+n+p New product.
o Alt+f+n+v New Variable Quality characteristic.
o Alt+f+n+a New Attribute Quality characteristic.
o Alt+f+n+d New Defect folder.
o Alt+f+n+d New Defect category.
Ctrl+o Open
Ctrl+s Save
Alt+f+a Save as
Alt+f+p Open Document Properties dialog box.
Alt+f+x Exit the SPC Configuration window.
Ctrl+x Cut the selected item.
Ctrl+c Copy the selected item.
Ctrl+v Paste the selected item in the same or a different SPC document.
Del Delete selected item.
Alt+e+r Rename selected item.
Alt+e+o Open the Properties dialog box for the selected item.
Alt+v+t Display/hide the toolbar.
Alt+v+s Display/hide the status bar.
o Alt+v+g View: Large icons.
o Alt+v+m View: Small icons.
o Alt+v+l View: List
o Alt+v+d View: Details
Alt+v+a Open the Configure Display Attributes dialog box.
Ctrl+f Open a Find a Product/Quality Characteristics browser.
Alt+t+d (When the project is running) Turns on/off Dynamic mode for SPC.
F1 Open CIMPLICITY documentation beginning with SPC.