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Displays a dialog box prompting the user for a response and returns an Integer indicating which button was clicked (1 for the first button, 2 for the second, and so on).
The AnswerBox function takes the following parameters:
Text to be displayed above the text box. The prompt parameter can be any expression convertible to a String.
The Basic Control Engine script resizes the dialog box to hold the entire contents of prompt, up to a maximum width of 5/8 of the width of the screen and a maximum height of 5/8 of the height of the screen. It also word-wraps any lines too long to fit within the dialog box and truncates all lines beyond the maximum number of lines that fit in the dialog box.
You can insert a carriage-return/line-feed character in a string to cause a line break in your message.
A runtime error is generated if this parameter is Null.
Text for the first button. If omitted, then "OK" and "Cancel" are used. A runtime error is generated if this parameter is Null.
Text for the second button. A runtime error is generated if this parameter is Null.
Text for the third button. A runtime error is generated if this parameter is Null.
The width of each button is determined by the width of the widest button. The AnswerBox function returns 0 if the user selects Cancel. R% = AnswerBox("Copy files?")R% = AnswerBox("Copy files?","Save","Restore","Cancel")
This example displays a dialog box containing three buttons. It displays an additional message based on which of the three buttons is selected.
Sub Main()
r% = AnswerBox("Temporary File Operation?","Save","Remove","Cancel")
Select Case r%
Case 1
MsgBox "Files will be saved."
Case 2
MsgBox "Files will be removed."
Case Else
MsgBox "Operation canceled."
End Select
End Sub