ControlName$ | ControlIndex)
Returns the text content of the specified control.
The text returned depends on the type of the specified control:
Control Type
Value Returned by DlgText$
No value is returned. A runtime error occurs.
Option group
No value is returned. A runtime error occurs.
Drop list box
Returns the currently selected item. A zero-length string is returned if no item is currently selected.
OK button
Returns the label of the control.
Cancel button
Returns the label of the control.
Push button
Returns the label of the control.
List box
Returns the currently selected item. A zero-length string is returned if no item is currently selected.
Combo box
Returns the content of the edit field portion of the combo box.
Returns the label of the control.
Text box
Returns the content of the control.
Group box
Returns the label of the control.
Option button
Returns the label of the control.
The ControlName$ parameter contains the name of the .Identifier parameter associated with a control in the dialog box template. A case-insensitive comparison is used to locate the specific control within the template. Alternatively, by specifying the ControlIndex parameter, a control can be referred to using its index in the dialog box template (0 is the first control in the template, 1 is the second, and so on).
This code fragment makes sure the user enters a correct value. If not, the control returns focus back to the TextBox for correction.
Function DlgProc(ControlName$,Action%,SuppValue%) As Integer
If Action% = 2 and ControlName$ = "OK" Then
If IsNumeric(DlgText$("TextBox1")) Then
Msgbox "Duly Noted."
Msgbox "Sorry, you must enter a number."
DlgFocus "TextBox1"
DlgProc = 1
End If
End If
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim ListBox1$()
Begin Dialog UserDialog ,,112,74,"Untitled",.DlgProc
TextBox 12,20,88,12,.TextBox1
OKButton 12,44,40,14
CancelButton 60,44,40,14
Text 12,11,88,8,"Enter Desired Salary:",.Text1
End Dialog
Dim d As UserDialog
Dialog d
End Sub
See Also
DlgControlId (function); DlgEnable (function); DlgEnable (statement); DlgFocus (function); DlgFocus (statement); DlgListBoxArray (function); DlgListBoxArray (statement); DlgSetPicture (statement); DlgText (statement); DlgValue (function); DlgValue (statement); DlgVisible (statement); DlgVisible (function).