This example creates a dialog box with two panels. The DlgVisible statement is used to show or hide the controls of the different panels.
Sub EnableGroup(start%,finish%)
For i = 6 To 13 'Disable all options.
DlgVisible i,False
Next i
For i = start% To finish% 'Enable only the right ones.
DlgVisible i,True
Next i
End Sub
Function DlgProc(ControlName$,Action%,SuppValue%)
If Action% = 1 Then
DlgValue "WhichOptions",0 'Set to save options.
EnableGroup 6,8 'Enable the save options.
End If
If Action% = 2 And ControlName$ = "SaveOptions" Then
EnableGroup 6,8 'Enable the save options.
DlgProc = 1 'Don't close the dialog box.
End If
If Action% = 2 And ControlName$ = "EditingOptions" Then
EnableGroup 9,13 'Enable the editing options.
DlgProc = 1 'Don't close the dialog box.
End If
End Function
Sub Main()
Begin Dialog OptionsTemplate 33,33,171,134,"Options",.DlgProc
'Background (controls 0-5)
GroupBox 8,40,152,84,""
OptionGroup .WhichOptions
OptionButton 8,8,59,8,"Save Options",.SaveOptions
OptionButton 8,20,65,8,"Editing Options",.EditingOptions
OKButton 116,7,44,14
CancelButton 116,24,44,14
'Save options (controls 6-8)
CheckBox 20,56,88,8,"Always create backup",.CheckBox1
CheckBox 20,68,65,8,"Automatic save",.CheckBox2
CheckBox 20,80,70,8,"Allow overwriting",.CheckBox3
'Editing options (controls 9-13)
CheckBox 20,56,65,8,"Overtype mode",.OvertypeMode
CheckBox 20,68,69,8,"Uppercase only",.UppercaseOnly
CheckBox 20,80,105,8,"Automatically check syntax",.AutoCheckSyntax
CheckBox 20,92,73,8,"Full line selection",.FullLineSelection
CheckBox 20,104,102,8,"Typing replaces selection",.TypingReplacesText
End Dialog
Dim OptionsDialog As OptionsTemplate
Dialog OptionsDialog
End Sub