OPC UA Data Types Mapped to CIMPLICITY Data Types

  • Data Mapping Notes
  • Data Mapping Table

Data Mapping Notes

  • Array Support
  1. Only one-dimensional arrays are supported.
  2. It is recommended to map OPC UA arrays to CIMPLICITY data types with the Elements property equal to the UA array size.

Note: The number of elements in a CIMPLICITY array point can be selected on the Point Properties dialog box>General tab>Elements field.

  • If array elements are configured as not equal (or, if later, a UA variable array size is changed by the UA Server), then, by default, reading these points will fail.
  • It is possible to allow a mismatch between a UA array size and CIMPLICITY point Elements, for the device level configuration; the property Allow Array Size Mismatch should be set to True.

Note: Even in this case the CIMPLICITY point Elements cannot be less than the UA Variable array size; truncation is not allowed.

  1. It is possible to write to the range of array elements via CimScript API.
  2. Scalar OPC UA types must be mapped to CIMPLICITY data types with number of Elements = 1
  • 3D_BCD and 4D_BCD Types

3D_BCD and 4D_BCD types are not supported.

Data Mapping Table

Data Type Class Data type Description
Analog SINT 1 byte signed integer Range from  -128 to 127
1 byte unsigned integer Range from 0 to 255  
2 byte (16-bit) signed integers Range from -32,768 to 32,767  
2 byte (16-bit) unsigned integers Range from 0 to 65,535  
4 byte (32-bit) signed integers Range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647  
4 byte unsigned integers Ranging from 0 to 4,294,967,295  
8 byte signed  integers Range from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807  
8 byte unsigned integers Range from 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615  
4 byte or 8 byte floating point number. The length depends on the value in the
  • Project configuration file:
..\<project folder>/master/OpcUaOptions.json
  • FloatsAre8bytes field.
The length, based on the value, is:
True 8 bytes
False 4 bytes
Default True
Note: Manual editing of the configuration file is required; the value cannot be changed through the User Interface.
BOOL BOOL A one digit BOOLEAN point with a value of 0 or 1
An 8-bit array of BOOLEAN points
A 16-bit array of BOOLEAN points
A 32-bit array of BOOLEAN points
STRING STRING A character string of 1 element
A character string of 8 elements  
A character string of 20 elements  
A character string of 80 elements