OPC UA Data Types Mapped to CIMPLICITY Data Types
- Data Mapping Notes
- Data Mapping Table
Data Mapping Notes
- Array Support
- Only one-dimensional arrays are supported.
- It is recommended to map OPC UA arrays to CIMPLICITY data types with the Elements property equal to the UA array size.
Note: The number of elements in a CIMPLICITY array point can be selected on the Point Properties dialog box>General tab>Elements field.
- If array elements are configured as not equal (or, if later, a UA variable array size is changed by the UA Server), then, by default, reading these points will fail.
- It is possible to allow a mismatch between a UA array size and CIMPLICITY point Elements, for the device level configuration; the property Allow Array Size Mismatch should be set to True.
Note: Even in this case the CIMPLICITY point Elements cannot be less than the UA Variable array size; truncation is not allowed.
- It is possible to write to the range of array elements via CimScript API.
- Scalar OPC UA types must be mapped to CIMPLICITY data types with number of Elements = 1
- 3D_BCD and 4D_BCD Types
3D_BCD and 4D_BCD types are not supported.
Data Mapping Table
Data Type Class | Data type | Description | |
Analog | SINT | 1 byte signed integer Range from -128 to 127 | |
1 byte unsigned integer Range from 0 to 255 | |||
2 byte (16-bit) signed integers Range from -32,768 to 32,767 | |||
2 byte (16-bit) unsigned integers Range from 0 to 65,535 | |||
4 byte (32-bit) signed integers Range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 | |||
4 byte unsigned integers Ranging from 0 to 4,294,967,295 | |||
8 byte signed integers Range from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 | |||
8 byte unsigned integers Range from 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 | |||
4 byte or 8 byte floating point number.
The length depends on the value in the
True | 8 bytes | ||
False | 4 bytes | ||
Default | True | ||
Note: Manual editing of the configuration file is required; the value cannot be changed through the User Interface. | |||
BOOL | BOOL | A one digit BOOLEAN point with a value of 0 or 1 | |
An 8-bit array of BOOLEAN points | |||
A 16-bit array of BOOLEAN points | |||
A 32-bit array of BOOLEAN points | |||
STRING | STRING | A character string of 1 element | |
A character string of 8 elements | |||
A character string of 20 elements | |||
A character string of 80 elements |