Option 3. Examine CIMPLICITY Project Connection Logging

  • CIMPLICITY OPC Server and the Status Log.
  • Messages common to normal interactions.

CIMPLICITY OPC Server and the Status Log

The CIMPLICITY OPC Server interacts with the CIMPLICITY runtime database on behalf of the OPC clients. Warning and failure messages generated by this interaction are logged to the CIMPLICITY Status Log . Informational messages (or success messages) are also logged.

Success Messages Indicate normal state changes between the runtime database and server interactions.
Warning Messages Indicate that a runtime database / server interaction was not successful but that the problem will not affect future interactions.
Failure Messages Indicate that a runtime database / server interaction has failed and that future interactions will most likely fail.

Whenever possible, the OPC Server logs error messages generated by the runtime database (referred to as PTMAP in error messages). When a PTMAP error message is available, the message is logged to the Status Log after the message generated by the OPC Server, creating a two-part message.

Note: The CIMPLICITY OPC Server defines several item attributes that are recognized only by the OPC Server. These attributes are internally maintained by the OPC Server. Thus, some two-part warning and failure messages display an item ID (as requested by an OPC client) that differs from the point reference in the message generated by the runtime database. This is not an error.

Messages Common to Normal Interactions

Following are messages common to normal interactions between the CIMPLICITY runtime database and the OPC server.

Note: If other messages are logged, consult with CIMPLICITY customer support . The second part of two-part messages are not shown.

OPC Server connected to PTMAP.

A success message indicating that the CIMPLICITY OPC Server has created a connection with the CIMPLICITY runtime database.

OPC Server disconnected from PTMAP.

 A success message indicating that the CIMPLICITY OPC Server has successfully disconnected from the CIMPLICITY runtime database.

OPC client request to connect failed. CIMPLICITY OPC Server is not licensed.

A warning message indicating that the running OPC server has not been licensed for use. No OPC client connections are permitted.

The CIMPLICITY PTMAP IPC system is inactive. OPC client connections refused.

A warning message indicating that the sub-system supporting the communications between the CIMPLICITY runtime database and the OPC Server is no longer running. This can occur when a server is active (with OPC clients connected) and the last CIMPLICITY project on the same node as the OPC Server is stopped. OPC clients must disconnect before the OPC Server automatically terminates (or is deactivated via the user interface).

Item \\project\point.attribute add failed. See next error.

 A warning message indicating that a request to add a new point to the OPC Server's internal cache has been rejected by the runtime database. Refer to the following message for more information on why the request was rejected.

Item \\project\point.attribute write failed. See next error.

A warning message indicating that a point write request by the OPC Server has been rejected by the runtime database. Refer to the following message for more information on why the request was rejected.

Item \\project\point.attribute read failed. See next error.

A warning message indicating that a point read request by the OPC Server has been rejected by the runtime database. Refer to the following message for more information on why the request was rejected.

Item \\project\point.attribute add on change request failed. See next error.

A warning message indicating that a registration for change notifications for a point (used by the server for subscriptions and cache reads/writes) has been rejected by the runtime database. Refer to the following message for more information on why the request was rejected.