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Guidelines: User Identity Certificate Export/Import
About this task
Export/Import Overview
User Identity Certificate: Export
User Identity Certificate: Import
Export/Import Overview
The Windows Certificate Store must be available on the target machine in addition to the local machine.
On the local machine, when the certificate is exported:
Windows exports the certificate and private key in Personal Information Exchange –PKCS #12 format.
The extension of the file is *.pfx by default and will be protected during Certificate Export Wizard.
For more specific to your system, ask your system administrator or security expert.
Identity Certificate: Export
Identity Certificate: Import
User Identity Certificate: Export
Right-click the Instance certificate in the Windows Certificate Store>UA Applications>Certificates pane.
Select Export on the Popup menu.
The Certificate Export Wizard opens.
Select the following as you go through the Wizard
Private Key
Yes, export the private key
File Format
Personal Information Exchange - PKCS #12 (.PFX)
Password that a user will have to enter when importing the exported certificate file into the Windows Certificate Store on the target machine.
File name
Name assigned to the .pfx file.
Note: Click the Browse button that is on the screen to open a Windows browser and select the location/enter the name to be applied.
When you exit the Certificate Export Wizard, the new *.pfx file will be available in the specified location.
Copy/paste the *.pfx file to the target machine.
Result: The *.pfx file can be imported into the Windows Certificate Store.
User Identity Certificate: Import
Do either of the following on the target machine.
Double-click the *.pfx file that was just pasted in a target machine folder.
Right click UA Applications or UA Applications>Certificates in the Windows Certificate Store; select All Tasks>Import on the Popup menu.
A Certificate Import Wizard opens when you use either method.
Select the following as you go through the Wizard.
Local Machine
File to Import
*.pfx file that was just pasted on the target machine.
Note: Click the Browse button that is on the screen to open a Windows browser and select the file. Make sure to select the Personal Information Exchange format.
Private Key Protection
Mark this key as exportable.
This will allow you to back up or transport your keys at a later time
Certificate Store
Check Place all certificates in the following store.
Keep the UA Applications entry that displays in the Certificate Store field.
When the Certificate Import Wizard is exited, Windows will import the certificate and private key from the *.pfx file; the certificate will be available in the Windows Certificate Store on the target machine.