
Convert a timestamp into its various components.


void cor_stamp_get_componentsHR(stamp, yyyy, mm, dd, hh,
                              min, sec, tt100Nano )
COR_STAMP *stamp;
int *yyyy;
int *mm;
int *dd;
int *hh;
int *min;
int *sec;
int *tt100Nano;

Input Arguments

stamp A valid CIMPLICITY timestamp.

Output Arguments

yyyy The year, in the range 1970..9999.
mm The month, in the range 1..12.
dd The day of the month.
hh The hour, specified as a 24-hour clock.
min Minutes past the hour, in the range 0..59
sec Seconds, in the range 0..59
tt100Nano Fractional seconds, specified in 100 Nano seconds.

Return Value