Gets the serial port parameters. The user_open_port() routine is passed only baud rate and parity. Use this routine to access data bits, stop bits, and flow control settings.
void dcrp_get_serial_settings(char *port_id,
COR_I2 data_bits,
COR_I2 stop_bits,
COR_BOOLEAN *rts_cts_control,
COR_BOOLEAN *xon_xoff_control)
Input Parameters
Is the identifier of the port whose settings you want to get.
Output Parameters
Is the number of data bits supported by the protocol. Valid value is 6, 7, or 8.
Is the number of stop bits supported by the protocol value. Valid value is 1 or 2.
Indicates whether the RTS (Ready To Send) and CTS (Clear To Send) lines are used for hardware flow control. This field contains one of the following:
TRUE | Raise RTS and check CTS before transmitting data. This usually suggests that your serial port Data Control Block (DCB) setup includes the following: |
dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE;
FALSE | The protocol does not use hardware flow control. |
Indicates whether the XON/XOFF software flow control is to be used. This field contains one of the following:
TRUE | XON/XOFF flow control is used. This usually suggests that your serial port Data Control Block (DCB) setup includes the following: |
dcb.fInX = TRUE;
FALSE | The protocol does not use software flow control. |