
Defines whether the point is valid. Where custom addressing is used, both the domain_index and offset for the point must be determined.

You can find the template for this subroutine in:



void user_valid_point(DEVICE_DATA*device_struct,
                      ADDR_DATA *address_struct,
                      int *valid_pt,
                      int *comm_status,
                      int *status)

Input Parameters


Is a pointer to the structure defining device data. DEVICE_DATA is a typedef to a structure defined in < inc_path/toolkit.h > .


Is a pointer to the address from which the data was read. ADDR_DATA is a typedef to a structure defined in < inc_path/toolkit.h > .

Output Parameters


Defines whether the point is valid. Valid values are:

TOOLKIT_SUCCESS The point is valid
TOOLKIT_FAILURE The point is not valid

valid_pt is not a Boolean value.


Indicates whether a status of TOOLKIT_FAILURE occurred as a result of a communication failure. Valid values are:

TOOLKIT_SUCCESS Failure is not due to communications failure.
TOOLKIT_FAILURE Failure is due to communications failure.


Indicates whether the function read all the data. Valid values are:

TOOLKIT_SUCCESS Function completed successfully.
TOOLKIT_FAILURE Function did not complete successfully. Check comm_status to see if the failure was the result of a communication failure.

Return Value
