Design the specialized functions

About this task

  • If a function is listed as optional, the original template does not require modification.


  1. Determine the name of the port(s) on which the enabler will run
  2. Define the name of the protocol(s) the enabler will support
  3. Define the name of the enabler
    • The build procedure produces an .exe and a .dll file for the enabler.

    The default names in the build procedure are tlkitusr.exe and tlkituser.dll .

  4. Change the names to more meaningful ones.
  5. Update the configuration files for the enabler
    • The configuration files of interest are as follows:

    domain.cfg (optional)

    < product >. proto

    < product >. model


    < product > is a protocol product name that you define. You must also use the product name when you add entries to the Registry.

  6. Define a directory location, outside of the CIMPLICITY directory structure, to store master copies of these configuration files.

    This will ensure that the configuration files are still available after you perform updates on your CIMPLICITY software.

  7. (After you make changes in the master copies of these files) do the following.
    1. Merge or copy domain.cfg to %SITE_ROOT%\master and %SITE_ROOT%\data . See Merging the Domain Configuration Data into a Project for more information.
    2. Copy < product >. proto to %BSM_ROOT%\bsm_data .
    3. Copy < product >. model to % BSM_ROOT%\bsm_data .
    Note: You can find sample files in the %BSM_ROOT%\api\dc_api directory.