Step 9. Plan Display Points: PRT Planning
In order to plan display points, you must think about what data you want to collect from the tracking model and how you want to present it in CimView displays and scripts.
Data can be displayed on screen at a main operating station and at workstations on the plant floor to provide operators with runtime information about the product during production.
CIMPLICITY setpoints can be configured to enhance your Tracking Model. There are numerous uses for setpoints.
Display points
Keep in mind all of the following when planning your display points.
- The kind of information needed at workstations on the plant floor and at main interface stations.
- The type of display needed for information: graphic or text representation.
- When to generate alarms when certain production conditions exist.
- The placement of detainment regions, e.g. shifting regions may need user-configured detainment regions.
- How to standardize your displays with consistent features. Keep in mind all of the following:
- Function buttons reside in the same place on each screen
- Color scheme
- Font
- Language for column heads, buttons, products, machinery, etc.
- Screen size and geometry.
Display point examples |
CIMPLICITY setpoints
CIMPLICITY setpoints can be configured to enhance your Tracking Model. There are numerous uses for setpoints.
You can configure setpoints to:
- Specify the status of the Region.
- Indicate the quantity of Items in the Region.
- Calculate the quantity of Items in the Region by Item Type.
- Update when an Item is automatically moved into a Region (Point-based move).
- Inform when an Item passes a Region transition indicator, to include the Item ID for serialized Items and the Item type for non-serialized Items.