[-17] |
Protocol error, bad data from CNC. |
[-16] |
Socket error, investigate CNC. |
[-15] |
[-11] |
Bus error. |
[-10] |
System 2 error. |
[-9] |
HSSB communications error. |
[-8] |
FOCAS DLL allocation error. |
[-7] |
FOCAS DLL and CNC/PMC version error. |
[-6] |
Unexpected FOCAS DLL error. |
[-5] |
System error. |
[-4] |
Shared RAM parity error. |
[-3] |
No FOCAS HSSB drivers. |
[-2] |
Reset or stop button pressed. |
[-1] |
CNC is busy. |
(1) |
Function not executed or not available. |
(1) |
PMC does not exist. |
(2) |
Function data length or data amount
error. |
(3) |
Function data number error. |
(3) |
Function address range error. |
(4) |
Function data attribute error. |
(4) |
Function address type or data type error. |
(5) |
Data error or specified program not
found. |
(6) |
CNC option not enabled or found. |
(7) |
Write operation prohibited. |
(8) |
CNC tape memory overflow. |
(9) |
CNc parameter not set correctly. |
(10) |
Buffer is empty or full. |
(11) |
Incorrect path number. |
(12) |
Incorrect CNC mode. |
(13) |
CNC execution rejected. |
(14) |
Data server error. |
(15) |
Function not executed due to CNC alarm. |
(16) |
CNC status is stop or emergency. |
(17) |
CNc data password is enabled. |