Custom Macro Variable Data

Note: Bits for Custom Macro variables are purchase options.
  • Custom Macro Variable guidelines.
  • Custom Macro Variable attributes.
  • Custom Macro Variable restrictions.

Custom Macro Variable guidelines

Variable Type Guidelines
Local You cannot write Local common variables (CMV1-CMV33).
Vacant Individual custom macro variables may be vacant on the CNC. Vacant macro variables are not currently assigned a value. A point that is reading a vacant custom macro variable will have a value of 0.

Custom Macro Variable attributes

When configuring points for Custom Macro Variable Data, specify the following attributes:

Point Class ANALOG
CNC Valid Addresses Variable Types
Series 150 M/T CMV1-CMV33 Local Macro Variables
CMV100-CMV149, CMV500-CMV531 Macro Variable
CMV100 - CMV149, CMV500 - CMV549 or
CMV100 - CMV199, CMV500 - CMV599 or
CMV100 - CMV199, CMV500 - CMV699 or
CMV100 - CMV199, CMV500 - CMV999 or
CMV1000-CMV9999 System Macro Variables
Series 150i CMV1 - CMV33 Local Macro Variables
CMV100 - CMV199, CMV500 - CMV999 or Macro Variables
CMV100 - CMV199, CMV200 - CMV999 or
CMV1000-CMV9999 System Macro Variables
Series 15TT CMV1 - CMV33 Local Macro Variables
CMV100 - CMV149, CMV500 - CMV524 or Macro Variables
CMV100 - CMV149, CMV500 - CMV549 or
CMV100 - CMV149, CMV500 - CMV599 or
CMV100 - CMV149, CMV500 - CMV749 or
CMV1000-CMV9999 System Macro Variables
Series 160/180, 160i/180i, 0i CMV1 - CMV33 Local Macro Variables
CMV100 - CMV149, CMV500 - CMV531 or Macro Variables
CMV100 - CMV199, CMV500 - CMV999 or
CMV100 - CMV199, CMV500 - CMV599 or
CMV1000-CMV9999 System Macro Variables
Series 160i/180i W CMV1 - CMV33 Local Macro Variables
CMV100 - CMV149, CMV500 - CMV531 or Macro Variables
CMV100 - CMV314, CMV500 - CMV699 or
CMV100 - CMV149, CMV500 - CMV699 or
CMV100 - CMV314, CMV500 - CMV531 or
CMV100 - CMV149, CMV500 - CMV999 or
CMV100 - CMV314, CMV500 - CMV999 or
CMV1000-CMV9999 System Macro Variables
Series 30i/31i/32i CMV1 - CMV33 Local Macro Variables
CMV100 - CMV149, CMV500 - CMV549 or Macro Variables
CMV100 - CMV199, CMV500 - CMV999 or
CMV100 - CMV149, CMV200 - CMV499, CMV500 - CMV549 or
CMV100 - CMV199, CMV200 - CMV499, CMV500 - CMV999 or
CMV1000-CMV9999 System Macro Variables
Power Mate, Power Mate i-D/H CMV1 - CMV33 Local Macro Variables
CMV100 - CMV149, CMV500 - CMV549 or Macro Variables
CMV100 - CMV199, CMV500 - CMV999 or CMV100 - CMV149, CMV200 - CMV499, CMV500 - CMV549 or
CMV100 - CMV199, CMV200 - CMV499, CMV500 - CMV999 or
CMV1000-CMV9999 System Macro Variables
Address Offset None
Note: CIMPLICITY supports the system macro variable range of 1000-9999. However each CNC configuration may not support this range of address; that support depends on your physical devices and configuration.

Custom Macro Variable restrictions

guide:  Guidelines

When writing P Code Macro Variables that support the real (floating-point) data type, please be aware that the available range is 999999999,...,-999999999.