

Retrieve long directory (including sizes and comments) of registered part programs on your CNC.


int edirectory_pp (char *ipaddr, unsigned short port, long int timeout, short path_no, long int *prog, char *comment, int *size, int comment_size, int max_files)


ipaddr IP address of the CNC
port Port number of the CNC
timeout Seconds for timeout (0 to ignore and wait infinitely)
path_no Value
comment_size Number of characters for each element of comment array (Max 24)
max_files Number of elements in prog array (Max 1024)
prog Pointer to integer array of program numbers currently registered in the CNC (Max 1024 elements)
comment Pointer to string array of program comments currently registered in the CNC (Max 1024 elements of Max 24 characters)
size Pointer to integer array of program sizes currently registered in the CNC (Max 1024 elements)

Return Value

ERR_BADDIR 120 Bad directory info from CNC

CNC data window error handling return statuses.