HMI Router Counters
The System Sentry provides counters to monitor CIMPLICITY router performance.
Accumulated totals since the project started
For | Counter | Counts the Number of: |
A | Messages Sent | Messages sent by the router. |
A | Messages Rec | Messages received by the router. |
A | RCM Requests | Connection management requests. When a viewer needs to attach to a project, it makes an RCM request. |
N | Socket Errors | TCP/IP sockets are used to communicate. For example, if a cable is accidentally pulled off a socket, an error will be counted. Typically, there should not be many socket errors. |
Indicators of current performance
For | Counter | Displays the |
N | Messages Sent/sec | Messages sent by the router per second. |
N | Messages Rec/sec | Messages received by the router per second. |
N | Sockets | Sockets that are currently in use by the router. The router opens a socket for each connection to each computer. The router also uses sockets for other reasons. Example The router creates a separate connection between redundant nodes beyond the router message queue connection to show if the element has gone away. That can add extra sockets. |
N | Socket Errors/sec | Socket errors per second show if there currently is a problem. For example, a cable needs to be tightened. |
N | Connected Nodes | Nodes that are connected to the selected node. |
E | Ports | Application ports in use by the router. This may be a well-known or anonymous port that is being sent out to a process. This indicates the current level of use. |
E | RR Outstanding | Response required messages from a process that are on the router's queue waiting to be received by another process. If the router knows that the receiving process is unavailable, it informs the originating process. |
Expertise Code
N | Novice |
A | Advanced |
E | Expert |