HMI Router Port Counters
The CIMPLICITY counters for the IPC Ports inside the Router. The CIMPLICITY router is w32rtr.exe.
CIMPLICITY has three types of messages:
Message | Description |
Intermediate Response | Messages will follow this message |
Final Response | The last message in a chain sent by a process |
Response Required | Messages that require a response. This type of message eliminates waiting by quickly showing if a process is unavailable. |
The difference between the number of these messages written and read can be a helpful diagnostic tool for solving a problem.
Accumulated totals since the project started
For | Counter | Counts the Number of: |
E | RR Writes | Response Required messages that an application has sent via a software port to the router. The CIMPLICITY counter can count one or all ports. |
E | IR Writes | Intermediate Response messages that an application has sent via a software port to the router. The CIMPLICITY counter can count one or all ports. |
E | FR Writes | Final Response messages that an application has sent via a software port to the router. The CIMPLICITY counter can count one or all ports. |
E | RR Reads | Response Required messages sent from the router to an application via a software port. The CIMPLICITY counter can count one or all ports. |
E | IR Reads | Intermediate Response messages sent from the router to an application via a software port. The CIMPLICITY counter can count one or all ports. |
E | FR Reads | Final Response messages sent from the router to an application via a software port. The CIMPLICITY counter can count one or all ports. |
E | RR Cancels | Response Required messages that have been canceled on one or all ports. |
N | IR Drops | Intermediate Response messages that have been dropped by the router. The router has a buffer in which it stores the queue. Messages are dropped when the router's buffer is full. The CIMPLICITY counter can count one or all ports. This, along with FR Drops, is a clear indicator that the system is not processing messages quickly enough. |
N | FR Drops | Final Response message has been dropped by the router on one or all software ports. The router has a buffer in which it stores the queue. Messages are dropped when the router's buffer is full. The CIMPLICITY counter can count one or all ports. This, along with IR Drops, is a clear indicator that the system is not processing messages quickly enough. |
A | Messages Written | All of the messages sent from an application to the router via one or all software ports. The CIMPLICITY counter can count one or all ports. |
A | Messages Read | All of the messages sent from the router to an application. The CIMPLICITY counter can count one or all ports. |
Indicators of current performance
For | Counter | Displays the |
A | Messages Out | Messages that the router has queued waiting for a process. |
For | Other Counter | Indicates that: |
N | Overflows | Inter-process messages are being dropped and data loss is occurring in your project. |
Expertise Code
N | Novice |
A | Advanced |
E | Expert |