Tool Management Data

Note: Bits for Tool Management are options you can purchase .
Important: Tool Management Data is supported only on Series 160i, 180i, 210i, and 30i/31i/32i .
  • Point data access.
  • Point configuration.
  • Point array elements.

Point data access

You can configure a point to access the Tool Management Data table, including the:

  • Tool number
T code
  • Tool life counter
  • Maximum of tool life
  • Predictive tool life
  • State of tool life
  • Tool is not managed
  • Unused tool
  • Enable to use
  • Life is over
  • Tool is broken
  • Customizing Bits
  • Tool info
bit 0      : RGS bit 1      : TIM bit 2      : BDT bit 3      : LOC bit 4,...,15 : Reserved
  • Tool length compensation number
H code
  • Cutter compensation number
D code
  • Spindle speed
S code
  • Feed rate
F code
  • Magazine number
  • Pot number
  • Tool geometric compensation umber
G code Turning system only
  • Tool wear compensation number
W code Turning system only

Point configuration

Specify the following for the Tool Management Data table access points.

Point Class ANALOG
Elements 15-element array
Access Read/Write
Valid Addresses TOOL<X>, where X is the tool number
Number of Elements 15

Point array elements

The elements of the Tool Management Data table point array are as follows.

Element 0 Tool number (T)
Setting range 0 to 99999999
Element 1 Tool life counter
Setting range 0 to 99999999 Unit count
Setting range 0 to 3599999 Unit sec
Element 2 Maximum of tool life
Setting range 0 to 99999999 Unit count
Setting range 0 to 3599999 Unit sec
Element 3 Predictive tool life
Setting range 0 to 99999999 Unit count
Setting range 0 to 3599999 Unit sec
Element 4 State of tool life
0 Tool is not managed
1 Unused tool
2 Enable to use
3 Life is over
4 Tool is broken
Element 5 Customizing Bits
Element 6 Tool info
bit 0   : RGS
0 Tool management data is void.
1 Tool management data is valid.
bit 1   : TIM
0 Tool life is specified by count.
1 Tool life is specified by time.
bit 2   : BDT
0 Normal tool.
1 Big tool.
bit 3   : LOC
0 Data accessible.
1 Data locked.
bit 4,...,15 Reserved
Element 7 Tool length compensation number (H)
Setting range 0 to 999
Element 8 Cutter compensation number (D)
Setting range 0 to 999
Element 9 Spindle speed (S)
Setting range 0 to 99999 Unit /min
Element 10 Feed rate (F)
Setting range 0 to 99999999 Unit mm/min inch/min deg/min mm/rev inch/rev
Element 11 Magazine number This data is read-only; it cannot be used for writing data.
Element 12 Pot number This data is read-only; it cannot be used for writing data.
Element 13 Tool geometric compensation number (G) This data is Turning system only.
Element 14 Tool wear compensation number (W) This data is Turning system only.
Note: If the first element of the array point, element 0, has a value of 0, this indicates that this tool does not exist. If this is the case, then you should not try to set the other elements of this array point.