Marquee Manager Administrator Device: Serial
- Click the Devices folder in the Marquee Manager Administrator left-pane.
Click New Device on the toolbar.
A Details tab displays.
Select Serial in the Communications>Type field.
The Serial options are as follows.
Field Description Device Name Logical name utilized by the administrator to refer to this physical device. Example Serial Device may be named SERIALCOM1. State Either Enabled or Disabled. Note: Multiple individual devices can be enabled/disabled by doing the following. - Select the Devices folder.
- Press Ctrl.
- Select the devices that should be enabled/disabled.
- Right-click the selection.
- Select Enable, Enable All or Disable on the Popup menu.
Communication Type Dropdown list contains all available Device types Reconnect Interval Rate in seconds that a device will try to reconnect when it loses connection with the boards. Default is 5 second intervals. Note: If no value is set the device will try to reconnect every second, which can cause excessive network traffic. Port COM port to which the device is connected. Notes - Available ports are in the dropdown list.
- More than one sign may connect through the same COM port providing a single connection point to these devices; this enables multiple applications to share them.
Speed Serial port speed. Important: The selected speed must match the speed that the marquee is using. Range is 300-115200. Default is 9600. Flow Control Method with which the devices throttle the flow of send and receive data. Select one of the following in the dropdown list. Hardware Uses the device’s Hardware control method Software Uses the device’s software flow control method. Important: The selection must match the flow control that the Marquee is using. Default is set to None. Byte Size Serial port byte size settings Important: Settings must match the settings the Marquee is using. Options are 7 or 8. Default is 8. Parity Serial port parity settings Important: Settings must match the settings the Marquee is using. Options are: - Even
- Odd
- Mark
- Space
Stop Bits Serial port stop bit settings. Important: Settings must match the settings the Marquee is using. Options are: - 0
- 1
- 1.5
- 2
- Click Save.
The Device will now be visible under the Devices folder in the tree view.