Step 1.2. Log CIMPLICITY on as the Domain User with Administrative Privileges


  1. Open the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the Services icon .

    The Services dialog box opens.

  3. Double-click CIMPLICITY service.

    The Service dialog box opens.

  4. Click the This Account radio button.
  5. Enter a domain name that has administrative privileges on the local node in the ThisAccount field. (Click the Add User button to open the Add User browser.)
  6. Enter a password in the Password fields that will have to be entered when logging on to the domain.
  7. Click OK.


If the User name you entered is on the domain or work group list, the CIMPLICITY service can log on as that user.

Note: In a work group, the user name and password must be the same on both nodes.