Step 2. Enter Process Monitor Specifications
- Process Health configuration.
- process_dependents.cfg file.
Process Health configuration
Check any of the following groups to enable the feature for the selected process.

Field | Description | ||
Restart |
Restarts the process a specified number of times within a selected number of seconds.
Note: The process you are configuring may have dependent processes (processes that start after the selected process starts). If it does, you must configure a process_dependents.cfg file to insure that the dependent processes will stop and restart based on the selected process behavior.
1. Process #2 (e.g. Derived Point Process)
Threshold | Number of times the process can be restarted, within the number of seconds specified by the Restart period, before it is failed. | ||
Period | Number of seconds in which the restart threshold is operational. | ||
Default | Disabled. | ||
Check health | Send messages to the process to determine if it is running correctly. For example, a process may appear to be running when, in fact, it is hung. | ||
Poll interval | Number of seconds that elapse between polls. | ||
Kill process on no response | If the process does not respond when it is polled, it will be stopped. | ||
Default | Disabled | ||
Note: Check health is enabled only if the process supports active health checks.
Fail project on process failure | (For clusters only) The project stops when the selected process fails. | ||
Default | Disabled |
- Process health does not support dynamic configuration. Specifications for the process must be entered when the project is stopped, then incorporated through a project configuration update.
- If you change a process name you must identify the process in the process_dependents.cfg file.
Process_Dependents.cfg file
- The process_dependents.cfg file must be edited if:
- Default PRT service names have been changed.
- Customized processes that have dependencies are configured to restart.
- The default process_dependents.cfg is located in the ...\Proficy CIMPLICITY\bsm_data folder.
- The default process_dependents.cfg file is as follows.
* The first field is the name of the process that has died
* The remaining fields are the names of processes that will be stopped and restarted if they are currently running