Step 5. Start/Stop Processes
Options for starting and stopping processes in the CIMPLICITY Process Control window include the following.

1 | Connect |
2 | Release |
3 | Start Process |
4 | Stop Process |
5 | Start All |
6 | Stop All |
7 | Refresh |
8 | Exit |
1 | Connect |
Connects the Process Control to a project.
2 | Release |
Click Release to releases the Process Control from the connected project.
Result: When the project is released the Process Control window is emptied. You can either select another project to connect to or exit the Process Control.
3 | Start Process |
- Select a process that is halted.
- Click Start Process.
A message displays to confirm the start.

- Click Yes.
Result: If the process starts successfully the process status changes to Running.
4 | Stop Process |
- Select a process that is running.
- Click Stop Process.
A message displays to confirm the stop.

- Click Yes.
Result: If the process stops successfully the process status changes to Halted.
5 | Start All |
- Click Start All.
A message displays to confirm starting all processes.

- Click Yes.
Result: All halted processes are started; the status for all processes that start successfully changes to Running.
6 | Stop All |
- Click Stop All.
A message displays to confirm stopping all processes.

- Click Yes.
Result: All halted processes are stopped; the status for all processes that stop successfully changes to Halted.
Note: Even though all of the processes are halted, Process Control continues to control the project. You must click Release in order to release the project.
7 | Refresh |
The process list displays the process statuses at the time you connected to the project. These statuses are updated automatically only when you perform a startup or shutdown operation.
Click Refresh.
Result: CIMPLICITY refreshes the list to display the status of all processes on the list.
8 | Exit |
Click Exit to close the Process Control window.
Results: Process Control releases the project if it has not already been released; the Process Control window closes.