1.1. Open a Project Status Log
About this task
CIMPLICITY provides several methods to open a project Status Log.
- Workbench
- Start menu
- (Optional) Select Project>Status Log in the Workbench left-pane.
- (Optional) Select cor_recstat.clg in the Workbench right-pane.
Do one of the following.
A Click Tools>Status Log on the Workbench menu bar. B Click the Status Log button on the Workbench toolbar. D In the Workbench right-pane: Either Or Double-click COR_RECSTAT.cl2. - Right-click COR_RECSTAT.CL2.
- Select Open on the Popup menu.
Note: If the project has been upgraded from a version lower than CIMPLICITY v8.2 COR_RECSTAT.CLG will also be listed in the Workbench right-pane.E Press Ctrl+L on the keyboard. Result: The Project status log displays in the Status Log viewer.
Note: The cor_recstat.cl2 file will open automatically when the Status Log button or Tools>Status Log menu is used.An additional option to open the COR_RECSTAT.clg log file is as follows.
- Right-click COR_RECSTAT.CL2.
- Select Open on the Popup menu.
Do either of the following.
- Select Log>Select Log on the CIMPLICITY Log Viewer menu bar.
- Click the Open File button on the CIMPLICITY Log Viewer toolbar.
The Find CIMPLICITY Log browser opens.
- Select the project's Log folder.
- Change the .cl2 to .clg extension in the File Name field.
Click Open.
Result: The project's COR_RECSTAT.clg file will open in the CIMPLICITY Log Viewer.
Start Menu
- Click Start on the Windows Task bar.
Select (All) Programs>Proficy HMI SCADA - CIMPLICITY version>
- If the System Log was the last log opened.
The System Log opens.
- Click Log>Select Log on the Status Log window menu bar.
Select COR_RECSTAT.cl2 in the ...\<project name>\Log directory.
The selected status log opens in the Status Log window.
Tip: Change the .cl2 to .clg in the Find CIMPLICITY Log browser>File Name field you want to open the COR_RECSTAT.clg file.
- If a project status log was the last log opened.
The last used status log opens.
Either review the open log or select another.