Step 2.2. Define the Historian Connection
- Open the CIMPLICITY Workbench and select Project from the menu bar.
Click Properties to open the Project Properties dialog per the example below.
NOTE: If you added Historian as part of your project setup, the Historian tab is visible. If not, you can select one or both of the Historian check boxes that appear in the list on the General tab.
If you select the Historian OPC Interface check box, you enable the Historian Data Server.
If you select the Historian OPC A & E Interface check box, you enable the Historian Alarm Server.
Select the Historian tab and complete the fields as described below.
For the Historian data and alarm connections:
- In the top section, enter the name of your Historian Data Server and in the bottom section, enter the name of your Historian Alarm Server.
In each section, enter the Historian username and Historian password used to access your Historian Data Server and Historian Alarm Server, respectively. If these are not entered correctly, the logging will fail.
These entries are not always required; instances where an entry should be made include the following:
- The Historian Server and users who log into that server are different from the CIMPLICITY Server and user.
- A user who is logged into the Historian Server may not have all of the privileges required to manage logging CIMPLICITY data. An entry in this field can specify a user with administrator privileges.
- The CIMPLICITY username automatically populates from your project.
- Enter the corresponding CIMPLICITY password. Note that privileges may differ between the Historian user and the CIMPLICITY user.
- Keep the default Tag name convention or identify a new one. For information, see the Tag naming convention section.
Click Test to test your connection to the Historian server. One of the following messages appears:
Test Result Message The Historian server is incorrect or not available. Failed to connect to the Historian server. Historian does not recognize the user name or password. The configured user does not have permission to write to Historian. Connection succeeds. Connected to the Historian server. NOTE: when the Test button is clicked, global parameters related to Historian Server information (e.g. HISTDATASERVER, HISTDATAUSER, HISTALMSERVER) are created with appropriate values.
g. (Optional) Click Migrate Data to open the Historian Migration Utility and migrate data in SQL databases to Historian. The Historian Migration Utility is also available through the CIMPLICITY Database Logger.
For the Historian Data Server only, select or clear the Overwrite check box to do the following.
- Select the check box to overwrite tag descriptions that already exist in Historian.
- Clear the check box to keep the tag descriptions that already exist in Historian.
IMPORTANT: You can revise tag definitions, e.g. data type, in Historian. However, if Overwrite is checked, the changes will be overwritten when the Historian log is updated. However, collection criteria are not overwritten.
Tag Naming Convention
An example of the current Historian tag name displays the Tag Name field. This naming convention can be changed.
Note: If tags have previously been imported into Historian, changing the tag naming convention will result in duplicate tags, tags with the old naming convention and tags with the new naming convention.Example
The Historian tag name convention was changed for CIMPLICITY points that had been previously imported into Historian. The same CIMPLICITY points are listed as two separate tags in Historian.
Click the Open button to the right of the Tag Name field to change the displayed naming convention.
The Historian Tag Naming Configuration dialog box opens and displays the following options:
Default Native Collector Format The default Native Collector format is available to help Historian users who used the Native Collector, which is not supported by CIMPLICITY v7.5 and higher.
When Default Native Collector Format is checked, Historian will use the Native Collector naming convention, which was
<PROJECTNAME> is the name of the CIMPLICITY project that the point is in.
<POINTNAME> is the CIMPLICITY point name.
A read-only naming convention preview displays for a sample point in the Tag Name field.
Default OPC Collector Format When Default OPC Collector Format is checked, Historian will use the OPC Collector format as the naming convention for migrating CIMPLICITY points.
The OPC Collector format is:
<MACHINENAME> is the Historian server.
<PROJECTNAME> is the name of the CIMPLICITY project that the point is in.
<POINTNAME> is the CIMPLICITY point name.
A read-only naming convention preview displays for a sample point in the Tag Name field.
Custom Format (Default)
When Custom Format is checked the entire naming convention can be customized and applied as the official Historian tag naming convention.
The convention is divided into a prefix and suffix, as follows.
Prefix The default Prefix text for a Historian tag name is <MACHINENAME>.\\<PROJECTNAME>
<MACHINENAME> is the Historian server.
<PROJECTNAME> is the name of the CIMPLICITY project that the point is in.
Text can be entered instead of or in addition to the <MACHINENAME> and <PROJECTNAME> parameters.
Note: Click the Popup Menu button to the right of the Prefix field to select and automatically enter either parameter.
The following should not be included in the prefix.
If the text in the Prefix field is empty then the prefix for the tag name will be the CIMPLICITY point name only.
The following example describes how a Historian tag name is constructed when the Prefix field is blank.
Important: Include the . character where it should be included in the Historian tag name.
Where the sample tag name parts are as follows.
SAMPLEPOINT PROFCIMP HISTSERV VALUE Suffix The default Suffix text for a Historian tag name is .VALUE.
The parameters <MACHINENAME> and <PROJECTNAME> can be used in the suffix instead of or in addition to being used in the prefix.
Note: Click the Popup Menu button to the right of the Prefix field to select and automatically enter either parameter.
The following should not be included in the suffix.
If the text in the Suffix field is empty then the suffix for the tag name will be the CIMPLICITY point name only.
The following example describes how a Historian tag name is constructed when the Suffix field is blank.
A Prefix VALUE.
Important: Include the . character where it should be included in the Historian tag name.
Where the sample tag name parts are as follows.