[As type]
= expression [,name [
type] = expression]...
Declares a constant for use within the current script.
The name is only valid within the current Basic Control Engine script. Constant names must follow these rules:
1. Must begin with a letter.
2. May contain only letters, digits, and the underscore character.
3. Must not exceed 80 characters in length.
4. Cannot be a reserved word.
Constant names are not case-sensitive.
The expression must be assembled from literals or other constants. Calls to functions are not allowed except calls to the
function, as shown below:
Const s$ = "Hello, there" + Chr(44)
Constants can be given an explicit type by declaring the name with a type-declaration character, as shown below:
Const a% = 5 'Constant Integer whose value is 5
Const b# = 5 'Constant Double whose value is 5.0
Const c$ = "5" 'Constant String whose value is "5"
Const d! = 5 'Constant Single whose value is 5.0
Const e& = 5 'Constant Long whose value is 5
The type can also be given by specifying the
type clause:
Const a As Integer = 5 'Constant Integer whose value is 5
Const b As Double = 5 'Constant Double whose value is 5.0
Const c As String = "5" 'Constant String whose value is "5"
Const d As Single = 5 'Constant Single whose value is 5.0
Const e As Long = 5 'Constant Long whose value is 5
You cannot specify both a type-declaration character and the type:
Const a% As Integer = 5 'THIS IS ILLEGAL.
If an explicit type is not given, then the Basic Control Engine script will choose the most imprecise type that completely represents the data, as shown below:
Const a = 5 'Integer constant
Const b = 5.5 'Single constant
Const c = 5.5E200 'Double constant
Constants defined within a
are local to that subroutine or function. Constants defined outside of all subroutines and function can be used anywhere within that script. The following example demonstrates the scoping of constants:
Const DefFile = "default.txt"
Sub Test1
Const DefFile = "foobar.txt"
MsgBox DefFile 'Displays "foobar.txt".
End Sub
Sub Test2
MsgBox DefFile 'Displays "default.txt".
End Sub
This example displays the declared constants in a dialog box (crlf produces a new line in the dialog box).
Const crlf = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Const greeting As String = "Hello, "
Const question1 As String = "How are you today?"
Sub Main()
r = InputBox("Please enter your name","Enter Name")
MsgBox greeting & r & crlf & crlf & question1
End Sub
See Also
DefType (statement); Let (statement); = (statement); Constants (topic).