Constants (topic)
Constants are variables that cannot change value during script execution. The following constants are predefined by the Basic Control Engine:
Constant | Value | Description | |
ebMinimized | 1 | The application is minimized. | |
ebMaximized | 2 | The application is maximized. | |
ebRestored | 3 | The application is restored. | |
True | 1 | Boolean value True. | |
False | 0 | Boolean value False. | |
Empty | Empty | Variant of type 0, indicating that the variant is un-initialized. | |
Nothing | 0 | Value indicating that an object variable no longer references a valid object. | |
Null | Null | Variant of type 1, indicating that the variant contains no data. | |
ebCFText | 1 | Text. | |
ebCFBitmap | 2 | Bitmap | |
ebCFMetafile | 3 | Metafile. | |
ebCFDIB | 8 | Device-independent bitmap. | |
ebCFPalette | 9 | Palette | |
ebCFUnicode | 13 | Unicode text | |
ebUseSunday | 0 | Use the date setting as specified by the current locale. | |
ebSunday | 1 | Sunday. | |
ebMonday | 2 | Monday | |
ebTuesday | 3 | Tuesday | |
ebWednesday | 4 | Wednesday. | |
ebThursday | 5 | Thursday | |
ebFriday | 6 | Friday | |
ebSaturday | 7 | Saturday. | |
ebFirstJan1 | 1 | Start with week in which January 1 occurs. | |
ebFirstFourDays | 2 | Start with first week with at least four days in the new year. | |
ebFirstFullWeek | 3 | Start with first full week of the year. | |
ebNormal | 0 | Read-only, archive, subdir, and none. | |
ebReadOnly | 1 | Read-only files. | |
ebHidden | 2 | Hidden files. | |
ebSystem | 4 | System files | |
ebVolume | 8 | Volume labels | |
ebDirectory | 16 | Subdirectory | |
ebArchive | 32 | Files that have changed since the last backup. | |
ebNone | 64 | Files with no attributes. | |
ebWindows | Windows executable file | ||
ebRegular | 1 | Normal font (i.e., neither bold nor italic). | |
ebItalic | 2 | Italic font. | |
ebBold | 4 | Bold font. | |
ebBoldItalic | 6 | Bold-italic font. | |
ebIMENoOp | 0 | IME not installed | |
ebIMEOn | 1 | IME on | |
ebIMEOff | 2 | IME off | |
ebIMEDisabled | 3 | IME disabled | |
ebIMEHiragana | 4 | Hiragana double-byte character. | |
ebIMEKatakanaDbl | 5 | Katakana double-byte characters. | |
ebIMEKatakanaSng | 6 | Katakana single-byte characters. | |
ebIMEAlphaDbl | 7 | Alphanumeric double-byte characters. | |
ebIMEAlphaSng | 8 | Alphanumeric single-byte characters. | |
PI | 3.1415... | Value of PI. | |
ebOKOnly | 0 | Displays only the OK button. | |
ebOKCancel | 1 | Displays OK and Cancel buttons. | |
ebAbortRetryIgnore | 2 | Displays Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons. | |
ebYesNoCancel | 3 | Displays Yes, No, and Cancel buttons. | |
ebYesNo | 4 | Displays Yes and No buttons. | |
ebRetryCancel | 5 | Displays Cancel and Retry buttons. | |
ebCritical | 16 | Displays the stop icon. | |
ebQuestion | 32 | Displays the question icon. | |
ebExclamation | 48 | Displays the exclamation icon. | |
ebInformation | 64 | Displays the information icon. | |
ebApplicationModal | 0 | The current application is suspended until the dialog box is closed. | |
ebDefaultButton1 | 0 | First button is the default button. | |
ebDefaultButton2 | 256 | Second button is the default button. | |
ebDefaultButton3 | 512 | Third button is the default button. | |
ebSystemModal | 4096 | All applications are suspended until the dialog box is closed. | |
ebOK | 1 | Returned from MsgBox indicating that OK was pressed. | |
ebCancel | 2 | Returned from MsgBox indicating that Cancel was pressed. | |
ebAbort | 3 | Returned from MsgBox indicating that Abort was pressed. | |
ebRetry | 4 | Returned from MsgBox indicating that Retry was pressed. | |
ebIgnore | 5 | Returned from MsgBox indicating that Ignore was pressed. | |
ebYes | 6 | Returned from MsgBox indicating that Yes was pressed. | |
ebNo | 7 | Returned from MsgBox indicating that No was pressed. | |
ebLandscape | 1 | Landscape paper orientation. | |
ebPortrait | 2 | Portrait paper orientation | |
ebLeftButton | 1 | Left mouse button | |
ebRightButton | 2 | Right mouse button | |
ebHide | 0 | Application is initially hidden. | |
ebNormalFocus | 1 | Application is displayed at the default position and has the focus. | |
ebMinimizedFocus | 2 | Application is initially minimized and has the focus. | |
ebMaximizedFocus | 3 | Application is maximized and has the focus. | |
ebNormalNoFocus | 4 | Application is displayed at the default position and does not have the focus. | |
ebMinimizedNoFocus | 6 | Application is minimized and does not have the focus. | |
ebUpperCase | 1 | Converts string to uppercase. | |
ebLowerCase | 2 | Converts string to lowercase. | |
ebProperCase | 3 | Capitalizes the first letter of each word. | |
ebWide | 4 | Converts narrow characters to wide characters. | |
ebNarrow | 8 | Converts wide characters to narrow characters. | |
ebKatakana | 16 | Converts Hiragana characters to Katakana characters. | |
ebHiragana | 32 | Converts Katakana characters to Hiragana characters. | |
ebUnicode | 64 | Converts string from MBCS to UNICODE. | |
ebFromUnicode | 128 | Converts string from UNICODE to MBCS. | |
ebEmpty | 0 | Variant has not been initialized. | |
ebNull | 1 | Variant contains no valid data. | |
ebInteger | 2 | Variant contains an Integer. | |
ebLong | 3 | Variant contains a Long. | |
ebSingle | 4 | Variant contains a Single. | |
ebDouble | 5 | Variant contains a Double. | |
ebCurrency | 6 | Variant contains a Currency. | |
ebDate | 7 | Variant contains a Date. | |
ebString | 8 | Variant contains a String. | |
ebObject | 9 | Variant contains an Object. | |
ebError | 10 | Variant contains an Error. | |
ebBoolean | 11 | Variant contains a Boolean. | |
ebVariant | 12 | Variant contains an array of Variants. | |
ebDataObject | 13 | Variant contains a data object. | |
ebArray | 8192 | Added to any of the other types to indicate an array of that type. | |
Constant | Value | Description | |
ebBack | Chr$(8) | String containing a backspace. | |
ebCr | Chr$(13) | String containing a carriage return. | |
ebCrLf | Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) | String containing a carriage-return linefeed pair. | |
ebFormFeed | Chr$(11) | String containing a form feed. | |
ebLf | Chr$(10) | String containing a line feed. | |
ebNullChar | Chr$(0) | String containing a single null character. | |
ebNullString | 0 | Special string value used to pass null pointers to external routines. | |
ebTab | Chr$(9) | String containing a tab. | |
ebVerticalTab | Chr$(12) | String containing a vertical tab. | |
Constant | Value | ||
Win32 | True if development environment is 32-bit Windows. | ||
Empty | Empty | ||
False | False | ||
Null | Null | ||
True | True | ||
You can define your own constants using the Const statement.
Preprocessor constants are defined using #Const .