1.2. Open an Existing C# or VB .NET Script
- Select Project>Script Engine>Scripts in the Workbench left pane.
- Select a *.cs.pscript or *.vb.pscript file in the Workbench right pane.
Do one of the following.
A Click Edit>Properties on the Workbench menu bar. B Click the Properties button on the Workbench toolbar. C In the Workbench left pane: - Right-click Scripts.
- Select Properties on the Popup menu.
D In the Workbench right pane: Either Or Double click a script. - Right-click a script.
- Select Properties on the Popup menu.
E Press Alt+Enter on the keyboard. - Right-click Scripts.
- Select Properties on the Popup menu.
- Right-click a script.
- Select Properties on the Popup menu.