Alarm Management |
- Alarm Classes are groups of Alarms with similar characteristics.
- Alarm Strings name alarm states. An alarm displays the string for its alarm state when %State is included in the alarm message.
- The Stand-alone Alarm Viewer, AMV, is useful for a user to quickly monitor and responds to alarms anywhere in the system.
- The Alarm Viewer Control is an ActiveX object that you embed in a CimEdit screen. The AMV Control provides a powerful tool for you to fully integrate the Alarm Viewer capability with your other CimEdit screens.
- Database Logging provides you with a seamless way to analyze your system processes and equipment performance by logging data to and reporting data from a wide variety of ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)-compliant databases.
- Trend Control is an ActiveX Control that enables you to review, evaluate and log point values over time.
- Historical Alarm Viewer Control is an ActiveX control through which you can easily review logged alarm data through CimView in an easy-to-read table format and print one or more pages of the display at any time during a session.
Basic Control Engine |
The Basic Control Engine option consists of three main components:
- Program Editor provides a set of sophisticated development tools that let you create programs with a Visual Basic compliant programming language. These programs can then be executed as actions in response to events. The programming language has a rich set of nearly 500 standard Basic functions, and also provides an object interface to CIMPLICITY points, alarms and the Status Logger, further enriching the language.
- Event Editor enables you to define actions to take in response to events that occur in a process. An event can be defined as a changing point, alarm state, or even a particular time of day. One event may invoke multiple actions, or one action may be invoked by many events.
- Basic Control Engine monitors for events and executes the configured actions. The Basic Control Engine is based on a multi-threaded design that allows the system to invoke and execute multiple Visual Basic programs concurrently.
- Classes enable you to do the basic configuration once and use it over and over instead of repeating configuration, which may include creating complex CimEdit/CimView screens, for several objects that have similar requirements.
- Class Objects provide an easy way to do complex configuration for one or more objects that are similar. Class objects, which are based on a Class template, can include pre-configured attributes, points, events, actions and scripts.
- Dynamic Graphic Replay is a powerful tool to help you troubleshoot problems that have occurred in your processes.
- XY Plot provides you with the ability to visually represent values in relation to each other. For example, you can plot real data vs. calculated date, or elements such pressure vs. temperature.
- Remote Projects need to be defined when a project starts, the Point Bridge or Point Data Logger need to get points from projects on other computers running CIMPLICITY projects.
- Recipes enable you to create and manage recipe data for your production processes. The Recipes interface consists of a spreadsheet format in which you enter the configuration data for each of your recipes. This format allows you to group similar products together.
Object Model |
Interfaces into components (e.g. objects, services, CimEdit screens both configuration and runtime, Project configuration Trend control, XY Plot control) that enable a developer to manipulate the components from a programming or scripting language, such as CIMPILICITY Basic, VB, C++, VBA, VBScript.
- CIMPLICITY Configuration Object Model
- CimEdit/CimView Object Model
- CIMPLICITY XY Plot Object Model
- CIMPLICITY Safe Array Object Model
- CIMPLICITY Historical Data Connector Object Model