'specify name of project being addressed
Const proj As String = "onepoint"
'user configured in that project
const cimpuser as string = "testuser"
'password for that configured user
const cimpuserpw as string = "testpassword"
'point that will have a value configured within the previously specified project
const pointwithvalue as string = "pointwithvalue"
Sub gp
trace "point value = " & pointget("\\" & proj & "\" & pointwithvalue)
end sub
sub nouser
Call CimClearProjectUserPassword(cimpuser, cimpuserpw, proj)
end sub
sub testuser
Call CimSetProjectUserPassword(cimpuser, cimpuserpw, proj)
end sub
sub main
'Run this program immediately after starting the project, stepping
'through line by line -
call testuser ' specify configured user for login
call gp
call nouser ' clear "auto login" user
Call CimLogout(proj) 'logout from last user
Call CimLogin(proj) 'initiate a login sequence - GUI should be invoked
'need to wait for previous login process to be completed before continuing
'on or fetch of data may fail with error indicating user not logged in...
call gp 'access data
Call CimLogout(proj)
end sub