Supported Operations for point_expression Field

The point_expression field supports the following operations:

Arithmetic +, -, /, *, ), (. Include any point types except Boolean and floating point.
Logical AND, OR, XOR, NOT. Can include only Boolean points types.
Bitwise BAND, BXOR, BNOT. Can contain only Boolean and integer point types.
Relational LT, GT, EQ, LE, NE, GE.
Functions ALARM(), A2(), WARNING(), A1(), ALARM_HI(), AH2(), ALARM_LO(), AL2() WARNING_HI(), AH1(), WARNING_LO(), AL1(), and AL() Return a Boolean result depending on the alarm state of the point.
ALARM_NOT_ACKED() and ANA() Return a Boolean result depending on whether the alarm has been acknowledged or not.
EUCONV() Returns the engineering units value of the point.
(expr1) ^ (expr2) Raises expr1 to expr2 value
(expr1) ? (expr2) : (expr3) tests if expr2 is TRUE then expr2 else expr3
SQR (<point_id>) Returns the square root of the point's raw value
ABS(expr) Returns the absolute value of expr
ACOS(expr) Returns the arc cosine of expr
ASIN(expr) Returns the arc sine of expr
ATAN(expr) Returns the arc tangent of expr
CEIL(expr) Returns the closest integer to expr that is larger
COS(expr) Returns the cosine of expr
EXP(expr) Returns the value of e raised to expr
FLR(expr) Returns the closest integer to expr that is smaller
LOG(expr) Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of expr
LOG10(expr) Returns the base 10 logarithm of expr
(expr1) MAX (expr2) Returns the maximum value of expr1 and expr2
(expr1) MIN (expr2) Returns the minimum value of expr1 and expr2
(expr1) MOD (expr2) Returns the mod value of expr1 based on expr2
RND(expr) Rounds expr to the nearest integer
(expr1) SHL (expr2) Shifts expr1 left expr2 bits
(expr1) SHR (expr2) Shifts expr1 right expr2 bits
SIN(expr) Returns the sine of expr
TAN(expr) Returns the tangent of expr
TRUNC(expr) Truncates expr to its integer value