Supported Operations for point_expression Field
The point_expression field supports the following operations:
Arithmetic | +, -, /, *, ), (. | Include any point types except Boolean and floating point. |
Logical | AND, OR, XOR, NOT. | Can include only Boolean points types. |
Bitwise | BAND, BXOR, BNOT. | Can contain only Boolean and integer point types. |
Relational | LT, GT, EQ, LE, NE, GE. | |
Functions |
ALARM(), A2() , WARNING(), A1(), ALARM_HI(), AH2(), ALARM_LO(), AL2() WARNING_HI(), AH1(), WARNING_LO(), AL1(), and AL()
Return a Boolean result depending on the alarm state of the point. |
ALARM_NOT_ACKED() and ANA() | Return a Boolean result depending on whether the alarm has been acknowledged or not. | |
EUCONV() | Returns the engineering units value of the point. | |
(expr1) ^ (expr2) | Raises expr1 to expr2 value | |
(expr1) ? (expr2) : (expr3) tests if expr2 is TRUE then expr2 else expr3 | ||
SQR (<point_id>) | Returns the square root of the point's raw value | |
ABS(expr) | Returns the absolute value of expr | |
ACOS(expr) | Returns the arc cosine of expr | |
ASIN(expr) | Returns the arc sine of expr | |
ATAN(expr) | Returns the arc tangent of expr | |
CEIL(expr) | Returns the closest integer to expr that is larger | |
COS(expr) | Returns the cosine of expr | |
EXP(expr) | Returns the value of e raised to expr | |
FLR(expr) | Returns the closest integer to expr that is smaller | |
LOG(expr) | Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of expr | |
LOG10(expr) | Returns the base 10 logarithm of expr | |
(expr1) MAX (expr2) | Returns the maximum value of expr1 and expr2 | |
(expr1) MIN (expr2) | Returns the minimum value of expr1 and expr2 | |
(expr1) MOD (expr2) | Returns the mod value of expr1 based on expr2 | |
RND(expr) | Rounds expr to the nearest integer | |
(expr1) SHL (expr2) | Shifts expr1 left expr2 bits | |
(expr1) SHR (expr2) | Shifts expr1 right expr2 bits | |
SIN(expr) | Returns the sine of expr | |
TAN(expr) | Returns the tangent of expr | |
TRUNC(expr) | Truncates expr to its integer value |