Defines the device-specific characteristics for the accessible memory on the device.
Accessible memory sharing the same characteristics, and which can be read contiguously, is typically grouped together to form a domain. Elements within a domain must be readable/writable by a single request to read or write via user_read_data() and user_write_data().
You can find the template for this subroutine in:
void user_device_info(DEVICE_DATA *device_struct,
int *num_domains,
SUPPORT *supported,
int *comm_status,
int *status)
Input Parameters
Is a pointer to the structure defining device data. DEVICE_DATA is a typedef to a structure defined in <inc_path/toolkit.h>.
Output Parameters
Is the number of domains defined for the device.
Is a pointer to an array of domain structures which define the characteristics of each group of memory locations.
The number of elements in the structure is either TOOLKIT_MAX_DEVICE_DOMAINS
or the value returned by user_device_set_max_device_domain_count()
if use_default_domain_count
is set in the supported structure for the protocol.
The first domain element is domain[0], and all elements through domain[*num_domains - 1] should contain valid data.
DOMAIN_ARRAY is a typedef to a structure defined in <inc_path/toolkit.h>.
Is a pointer to a structure defining the supported options for the device. SUPPORT is a typedef to a structure defined in <inc_path/toolkit.h>.
Indicates whether a status of TOOLKIT_FAILURE occurred as a result of a communication failure. Valid values are:
TOOLKIT_SUCCESS | Failure is not due to communications failure. |
TOOLKIT_FAILURE | Failure is due to communications failure. |
Indicates whether the function successfully obtained all of the requested information. Valid values are:
TOOLKIT_SUCCESS | Function completed successfully. |
TOOLKIT_FAILURE | Function did not complete successfully. Check comm_status to see if the failure was the result of a communication failure. |
Return Value
Programming Note
The default value for each option is the value set in user_protocol_info(). A field whose value is TOOLKIT_NO cannot be reset to TOOLKIT_YES in this function. If the value for a return by user_protocol_info() is TOOLKIT_NO and it is reset to TOOLKIT_YES in this function, the new value is ignored.