
Retrieves unsolicited data from a device and returns the data.

You can find the template for this subroutine in:



void user_process_unsolicited_data(DEVICE_DATA *device_struct,
                                   char *data,  
                                   ADDR_DATA *start_address,
                                   int *sizeof_data,
                                   int *more,
                                   int *comm_status,  
                                   int *status)

Input Parameters


Output Parameters


Is a pointer to the structure defining device data. DEVICE_DATA is a typedef to a structure defined in <inc_path/toolkit.h>.

The device_id field in this structure must be set.


Is the pointer to a buffer containing the data received.

If the devcomm has indicated support for quality data by setting support.unsolicited_quality_data to TOOLKIT_YES and support.extended_user_bits to TOOLKIT_NO, then the following code illustrates how the buffer should be handled:

pqual_data->sys_flags = 0;          //bits to be retained
pqual_data->sys_changed_mask = 0;   //indicate bits to be retained
pqual_data->user_flags = 0;         //bits to be retained
pqual_data->user_changed_mask = 0;  //indicate bits to be retained
data += sizeof (TOOLKIT_QUALDATA);

If the devcomm has indicated support for quality data by setting support.unsolicited_quality_data to TOOLKIT_YES and support.extended_user_bits to TOOLKIT_YES, then the following code illustrates how the buffer should be handled:

pqual_data->sys_flags = 0;          //bits to be retained
pqual_data->sys_changed_mask = 0;   //indicate bits to be retained
pqual_data->user_flags = 0;         //bits to be retained
pqual_data->user_changed_mask = 0;  //indicate bits to be retained
data += sizeof (TOOLKIT_QUALDATA2);

The data pointer now points to the area containing the point values. Any quality data changes indicated by the masks and values will be applied to all points serviced by the return buffer.

TOOLKIT_QUALDATA and TOOLKIT_QUALDATA2 are typedefs to a structure defined in <inc_path/toolkit.h>.


Is a pointer to a structure that defines domain starting addresses in the device memory. ADDR_DATA is a typedef to a structure defined in <inc_path/toolkit.h>.

If standard addressing is used, the domain_index and domain_offset should be correctly set.

For custom addressing, the address string should be set.


Contains the number of bytes of data (must be less than TOOLKIT_MAX_INTERNAL_BUFFER bytes).


Indicates whether there is more unsolicited data to be processed. Valid values are:

TRUE More data needs processing
FALSE All data has been sent


Indicates whether a status of TOOLKIT_FAILURE occurred as a result of a communication failure. Valid values are:

TOOLKIT_SUCCESS Failure is not due to communications failure.
TOOLKIT_FAILURE Failure is due to communications failure.


Indicates whether the function successfully obtained all of the requested information. Valid values are:

TOOLKIT_SUCCESS Function completed successfully.
TOOLKIT_FAILURE Function did not complete successfully. Check comm_status to see if the failure was the result of a communication failure.

Return Value
