Reads data from specific memory locations from the device's memory.
You can find the template for this subroutine in:
void user_read_data(DEVICE_DATA *device_struct,
ADDR_DATA *address_struct,
int length,
char *data,
int *comm_status,
int *status);
Input Parameters
Is a pointer to the structure defining device data. DEVICE_DATA is a typedef to a structure defined in <inc_path/toolkit.h>.
Is a pointer to the address from which the data was read. ADDR_DATA is a typedef to a structure defined in <inc_path/toolkit.h>.
Is the number of bytes of data requested.
Output Parameters
Is a pointer to an array that contains the data that was read from the device.
For data from bit (TOOLKIT_BIT) domains, bit data should be packed into bytes so that the leftmost bit is the most significant.
For domains whose element size is greater than one byte, the bytes should be ordered in the same way as they are ordered by the underlying operating system on which the enabler is to run.
Indicates whether a status of TOOLKIT_FAILURE occurred as a result of a communication failure. Valid values are:
TOOLKIT_SUCCESS | Failure is not due to communications failure. |
TOOLKIT_WRITE_FAILED | Could not send command or data to device. |
TOOLKIT_TIMEOUT | Sent command or data to device, timed-out waiting for a response. |
TOOLKIT_BAD_DATA | Received response from device but it contained invalid data such as an incorrect checksum. |
TOOLKIT_FAILURE | Failure is due to communications failure. |
Indicates whether the function read all the data. Valid values are:
TOOLKIT_SUCCESS | Function completed successfully. |
TOOLKIT_FAILURE | Function did not complete successfully. Check comm_status to see if the failure was the result of a communication failure. |
Return Value