3. Compile and Link the XASMgr Application
- From the Start menu, open the CIMPLICITY menu.
- Select your project.
In the CIMPLICITY Workbench for your project, select Tools>Command Prompt.
This ensures that your environment variables (in particular
) are set correctly. -
In the Command Prompt window, issue the following commands:
<directory>where <drive> is the disk where your CIMPLICITY software is installed, and <directory> is your application project directory.
If the environment variables are not set automatically, issue the following command to set them:
for /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %F in (`"%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" -property installationPath`) do set VSPATH=%F call "%VSPATH%\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat"
Now build the executable: