MANUAL_SP Faceplate: Main Frame

Refer to the following table for descriptions of the fields.

Area Description
1 Animated fill level displays the manual setpoint value in relation to its range. Animated fill will not display if invalid or no scaling is configured.
2 Slider action for the manual setpoint. Select and drag the slider handle to the desired setpoint value. It will not display if invalid or no scaling is configured.
3 Manual setpoint minimum value in Engineering units. Question marks display if invalid or no scaling is  configured. To determine why question marks display, view the scaling parameters on the Details frame.
4 Manual setpoint maximum value in Engineering units. Question marks display if invalid or no scaling is configured. To determine why question marks display, view the scaling parameters on the Details frame.
5 Down Button. Click to decrement the manual setpoint by the amount given by the Pushbutton Rate. Use push buttons to decrease/increase the setpoint in a more gradual manner than can be achieved by using the slider action or direct entry of the setpoint.
6 Current manual setpoint value. To change the value, click the current value and enter a specific setpoint. The setpoint will adjust to the new value immediately.
7 Measurement unit that is specified in the object definition, e.g. PSI, inches, volts, PSI, SCF, DegF. The measurement unit must be defined with 8 characters or less.
8 Up Button. Click to increment the manual setpoint by the amount given by the Pushbutton Rate. Use push buttons to decrease/increase the setpoint in a more gradual manner than can be achieved by using the slider action or direct entry of the setpoint.
9 Exit button. Click to close the faceplate.