Additional Roles {<filename>.rol} file Imported
- Create a second file called <filename>.rol where <filename> is the same as the CSV file.
- Add one line in <filename>.rol for each point that you are routing to roles other than SYSMGR, USER, or OPER. The format of the line will be the Point ID followed by a list of roles. Separate each field with a comma.
Run the Import utility as usual. The utility will automatically search for a .rol file whose name matches that of the CSV file, and process the additional role information.
The following is an example of an .ROL file:
## Point Role File Ver. 1.1 ## File created by: GE Intelligent Platforms, Inc. -- CIMPLICITY Ver. 8.1 ## File created at: 15:33:35 on 6/21/95 ## TEST_ANALOG,DOER,FIXER TEST_DIGITAL,FIXER