Option 3.3.3. Edit an Existing Enumeration Set

About this task

CIMPLICITY provides several methods to open an existing Point Enumeration dialog box.

  • Through the Workbench
  • Through a Point Properties dialog box.

Through the Workbench:


  1. Select Project>Points>Point Enumerations in the Workbench left pane.
  2. Select an Enumeration ID in the Workbench right pane.
  3. Do one of the following.
    A Click Edit>Properties on the Workbench menu bar.
    B Click the Properties button on the Workbench toolbar.
    C In the Workbench left pane:
    1. Right-click Point Enumerations.
    2. Select Properties on the Popup menu.
    D In the Workbench right pane:
    Either Or
    Double click an Enumeration ID.
    1. Right-click an Enumeration ID.
    2. Select Properties on the Popup menu.
    E Press Alt+Enter on the keyboard.

    Through a Point Properties dialog box

    1. Enter an enumeration set in the Point Enumeration field.
    2. Click the Popup Menu button to the right of the Point Enumeration field.
    3. Select Edit.
  4. Right-click Point Enumerations.
  5. Select Properties on the Popup menu.
  6. Right-click an Enumeration ID.
  7. Select Properties on the Popup menu.