Error codes Returned by Production Tracking
The following error codes are returned by the Production Tracking Application Interface:
Number | Defined Constant | Description |
11401 | PRTI_FILE_READ_ERR | Error reading configuration file: |
11402 | PRTI_FILE_OPEN_ERR | Error opening one of the configuration files |
11403 | PRTI_SVC_DEF_MISSING | Undefined Service in file: <filename> |
11404 | PRTI_REG_DEF_MISSING | Undefined Region in file: <filename> |
11405 | PRTI_GRP_DEF_MISSING | Undefined Group in file: <filename> |
11406 | PRTI_XLATE_ERR | Error in ipc_xlate getting physical addr of: <address> |
11407 | PRTI_AUX_NAM_ERR | Error in ipc_aux_nam |
11408 | PRTI_ADD_PORT_ERR | Error in ipc_add_port |
11409 | PRTI_READ_PORT_ERR | Error in ipc_read_port |
11410 | PRTI_WRITE_PORT_ERR | Error in ipc_write_port |
11411 | PRTI_MF_INIT_ERR | Error initializing segment |
11412 | PRTI_CRESEG_ERR | Error creating segment |
11413 | PRTI_BAD_MSG | Error in segment |
11414 | PRTI_NOT_STATUS_SEG | Expected STATUS_SEG as response, rcvd: |
11415 | PRTI_EXTRA_SEGS | Ignored extra segments after STATUS_SEG or END_SEG |
11416 | PRTI_UNEXPECTED_SEG | Unexpected segment type: svc: <filename> |
11417 | PRTI_UNEXPECTED_SEG_TYPE | Unexpected segment type from PRT_DS: |
11418 | PRTI_ITEM_TYPE_NDEF | Item type identifier not valid: |
11419 | PRTI_ITEM_TYPE_NULL | Item type identifier NULL |
11420 | PRTI_NUM_ATTS_INVALID | Invalid number of item attributes specified |
11421 | PRTI_REG_ID_NDEF | Region identifier not valid: |
11422 | PRTI_REG_ID_NULL | Region identifier NULL |
11423 | PRTI_GRP_ID_NDEF | Group identifier not valid: |
11424 | PRTI_GRP_ID_NULL | Group identifier NULL |
11425 | PRTI_SVC_ID_NDEF | PRT service identifier not valid: |
11426 | PRTI_SVC_ID_NULL | PRT service identifier NULL |
11427 | PRTI_NS_EXT_PROC_INVALID | ext_proc_flag set for non-serialized item |
11428 | PRTI_SER_NO_ID | Serialized item missing both item id and reference id |
11429 | PRTI_NON_SER_ID | Non-serialized item has item id or reference id |
11431 | PRTI_INVALID_REG_LOC | Invalid region location |
11432 | PRTI_EXT_HOLD_NO_GRP | External hold specified without Group ID |
11433 | PRTI_EXT_HOLD_NON_SER | External hold specified for non-serialized item |
11434 | PRTI_INT_HOLD_NO_REASON | Internal hold specified without reason |
11435 | PRTI_REG_NOT_IN_GRP | Region not in group specified |
11436 | PRTI_REG_NOT_IN_SVC | Region not managed by service specified |
11437 | PRTI_GRP_NOT_IN_SVC | Group ID inconsistent with service specified |
11438 | PRTI_NO_DEL_SUCCESSES | No deletes successful to any PRT services |
11439 | PRTI_INVALID_DEST | Destination region is invalid for item of this type |
11440 | PRTI_NO_SUCH_ROUTE | No route exists between src: <region> dest: <region> |
11441 | PRTI_INVALID_ROUTE | Invalid route (%.15s->%.15s) for item type <item type> |
11442 | PRTI_SER_PARENT | Parent ID specified for serialized item |
11443 | PRTI_EXT_HOLD_NO_REASON | Group hold specified without reason |
11444 | PRTI_ROUTE_NDEF | Non-exist. route in PRT_INV_TYPE, src: <region> dest: <region> |
11445 | PRTI_INV_EXPLICIT_ROUTE | Can't deny explicit item-route, src: <region> dest: <region> |
11446 | PRTI_NO_TYPE_FOR_ROUTE | Denied type not on route, src: <region> dest: <region> type: <item type> |
11447 | PRTI_NOTHING_PENDING | No requests pending |
11448 | PRTI_CFG_NO_ROUTE | Route has no source and no destination region |
11449 | PRTI_EF_CHECK_ERR | Error checking event flag |
11450 | PRTI_ITEM_NOT_FOUND | Item not found |
11451 | PRTI_ITEM_NOT_FOUND_INC_SRCH | Item not found: some service(s) down |
11452 | PRTI_TOO_MANY_REQ | Total number in list less than number requested |
11453 | PRTI_UNKNOWN_INIT_SRC | MF_INIT segment received from unknown service |
11454 | PRTI_NO_SRC_OR_DEST | Route has no source and no destination region |
11455 | PRTI_NO_SVC_IMPLIED | No service specified (via svc_ id/group_id/region_id ) |
11456 | PRTI_BAD_SERVER_RESPONSE | PRT Data Server returned bad/error response |
11457 | PRTI_NO_MORE_ITEMS | No more items available |
11458 | PRTI_BAD_POINTER | Pointer to data structure is NULL |
11459 | PRTI_UNKNOWN_RESPONDER | Response received from unknown service |
11460 | PRTI_EMPTY_FILE | Configuration file has no records: |
11461 | PRTI_BAD_SVC_NAME | Bad service name (no underscore): |
11462 | PRTI_PARTNER_DEAD | Partner dead |
11463 | PRTI_DG_BUF_FULL | Datagram buffer full |
11464 | PRTI_NO_SEGS_RCVD | No segments received into datagram buffer |
11465 | PRTI_API_CANT_RCV | PRT Application not initialized to receive asynch messages |
11466 | PRTI_INIT_MSG_RCVD | Init segment received from Data Collector |
11467 | PRTI_PROC_NOT_CONFIGURED | Process is not configured as network process |
11468 | PRTI_NOT_ALL_SVCS_RESPONDED | Not all services responded |
11469 | PRTI_NON_SER_ATTS | Non-serialized item has attribute(s) |
11470 | PRTI_CANT_MOD_ITEM_REF_IDS | Can't modify both item & ref.ids |
11471 | PRTI_CANT_MOD_ITEM_WOUT_REF | Must specify ref. id to modify item id |
11472 | PRTI_REGION_NOT_IN_GROUP | Region <region> does not belong to any group |
11473 | PRTI_GROUP_HAS_NO_REGIONS | Group <group> does not 'own' any regions |
11474 | PRTI_REORD_NUM_TOO_BIG | element <element> bigger than |
11475 | PRTI_GRP_SPANS_SVCS | Can't put region %s in group %s (wrong service) |
11476 | PRTI_SVC_NOMATCH | No configured Services for the PRT System: |
11477 | PRTI_REGSVC_NOMATCH | No configured Regions for the PRT System: |
11478 | PRTI_BAD_ALLOC | Error allocating memory! |
11479 | PRTI_NULL_ITEMTYPE_LIST | Bad item type list. |