All items that were in the location in which the item is inserted move back one location to the end of the region.
Items that were in the location to which items were moved move back one location to the end of the region.
The items in each involved location continue to move back one until each is in one location closer to the end of the region.
(If the last location in the region currently has items) Tracker creates an additional location, which is now the last location and moves the last items into the new location.
Each item that was in Location 5, moves to Location 6.
Each item that was in Location 6, moves to Location 7.
Each item that was in Location 7, moves to Location 8.
Each item that was in Location 8, moves to Location 9.
Each item that was in Location 9, moves to Location 10.
Tracker creates Location 11.
Each item that was in Location 10, moves to Location 11.