Tracker Extended Attributes Configuration (trkattribute.cfg)
About this task
- Save a copy of this file. If you install a product upgrade you will have to copy the file with your configuration into the ...\Proficy CIMPLICITY\RCO\trkattribute.cfg file.
- All projects must point to the same database for storing extended attributes, ranges and criteria sets.
Open ...\Proficy CIMPLICITY\RCO\trkattribute.cfg in a text editor.
The default file, with and explanation of the fields, is as follows.
* Tracker extended attribute configuration
* 1. Attribute storage bitmask. 2 - backing files, 4 - Database.
* 2. Database Server Name
* 3. Database name
* 4. Database Username
* 5. Database Password
* 6. Maximum number of attributes in the backing file
* Example
- Enter the correct criteria for your system in the file.
Save and close the file.
Note: If you run more than one project on a server, by default they will all use the same Extended Attribute database.