Export an Object Type/Instance

About this task

When you create an object type or an object instance, you can use it only in the Historian system in which you have created it. If, however, you want to use the object type/instance in a different Historian system or Operations Hub, you can export it and then import it into the other Historian system or Operations Hub.
The following conditions apply when you export an object type/instance:
  • You can export each object type/instance separately or all the object types and object instances in a Historian system at once.
  • You can choose to export the variables or object instances of an object type (or both).
  • You can choose to export the variables and templates of an object instance (or both). You cannot, however, export templates to Operations Hub.


  1. Access Configuration Hub.
  2. In the NAVIGATION section, under the Configuration Hub plugin for Historian, select Model. Alternatively, you can select Systems, and then in the row containing the system in which you want to create a model, select , and then select Browse Model.
    The Model section appears.
  3. If you want to export all the object types/instances in the Historian system, in the upper-right corner of the main section, select .If you want to export a single object type/instance, under Object Types or Object Instances, right-click the object type/instance that you want to export (or select ), and then select Export.
    The Export Model window appears. Depending on whether you are exporting all the object types/instances in the system or just a single one, the File name field contains a value in the following format: <host name>.csv or <object type>.csv or <object instance.csv.
  4. If needed, modify the value in the File name field.
  5. Depending on whether you want to export to another Historian system or Operations Hub, select the appropriate option.
  6. Operations Hub 2023 supports multi model with multiple roots, you can choose the version while exporting the model either to 2023 or versions prior to 2023.
  7. Depending on whether you want to export the templates, the object instances, or both, ensure that the corresponding check boxes are selected. However, you can export templates only to a Historian system, not to Operations Hub.
  8. Select Export.
    The object types/instances, along with the underlying object variables, are exported in to a .csv file.