Manage User-Defined Data Types

About this task

You can create a user-defined data type (UDT) and assign it to multiple tags. A UDT can have up to 100 fields and must have at least one field.


  1. Access Historian Administrator.
  2. Select Tags.
  3. Select Define User-Defined Types.
    The Define User-Defined Types window appears.
  4. To create a UDT:
    1. Select Create New Type.
    2. Enter values as described in the following table.
      Field Description
      Type Name Enter a unique name for the UDT.
      Description Enter a description for the UDT.
      Store Individual Quality Select the check box to store field-level quality. If this check box is cleared, the data sample will have a single quality similar to how an array tag works. Storing individual qualities consumes more disk space.
      Administer Group Specify the Windows Security Group that you want to assign to the UDT.
    3. Add at least one Field to the UDT.
    4. Select Save Type.
      The UDT is created.
  5. To add a field to a UDT:
    1. Select New Field.
    2. Enter values as described in the following table.
      Field Description
      Field Name Enter a name for the field.
      Master Field Select this check box if this field is a master field. Only one field can be the Master Field in a UDT.
      Field Description Enter a description for the field.
      Field Data Type Specify the data type of the field.
    3. Select Save Field.
      The field is added to the UDT.
  6. To delete a field from a UDT:
    1. Select the field that you want to delete.
    2. Select Delete Field.
  7. To delete a UDT, right-click the UDT that you want to delete, and then select Delete Selected Type.
    Note: You cannot delete a UDT if there are tags still using it.
  8. To set a source address for a field:
    1. Select the field for which you want to set the source address.
    2. Browse and select the tag that you want to assign, and then select Save Source Address > OK.
      The source address for the multifield tag is set.
  9. To view the last 10 values of a tag:
    1. Right-click the tag (a tag indicated with *), and select Last 10 values.
      The List of Fields window appears.
    2. Select the field from the list, and then select OK.
      The last ten values of the field appear.
  10. To view the trend chart of a tag:
    1. Right-click the tag, and then select Trend.
      The trend chart of the tag values appears.
    2. If needed, modify the time period and other parameters by selecting Criteria. In the criteria string field, you can enter the sampling mode, calculation mode, and/or query modifiers. Query modifiers are used to specify various ways of retrieving data from Historian. Sampling modes specified with criteria strings takes precedence over any mode specified in the Sampling field.
      Request raw data with only good quality by specifying the criteria string: RAWBYTIME#ONLYGOOD
    3. Select OK.
      The trend chart is plotted again with the new criteria. You can scroll back and forth on the x-axis time scale by selecting on the single and double left and right arrows at the bottom of the page.