Tag Properties that are Copied
When you add a tag by choosing from the S2S Collector browse list, only certain tag properties are copied from the source tag to the destination tag. If you intend to copy raw samples from the source to the destination, after you add the tag, be sure to set these properties to their desired values. See Tag Properties Copied to the Destination Tag described below.
- Input scaling settings
Since the output of the source tag is the input to the destination tag, you actually want to match the EGU limits on the source to input limits on the destination, if you are using Input Scaling.
- Timestamp resolution
Make sure that the timestamp resolution properties match. For example, do not use the second timestamp resolution on the destination tag, if your source tag uses millisecond timestamp resolution. If your source tag uses millisecond timestamp resolution, then you also want to set your destination tag to also use millisecond timestamp resolution.
The following table describes the tag properties in Historian Administrator Tags page that are copied when the destination tag is created via select from the browse. If a property is not listed in this table, it is not copied.
Tab Name | Properties Copied |
General | Description EGUDescription |
Collection | Data Type DataLength |
Scaling0 | HiEGU LoEGU InputScaling HiScale LoScale |
Compression | ArchiveCompression ArchiveDeadband(%) |