Browse Tags using Distributed or Mirror Node Servers when Primary Server is Inactive
About this task

In general, the Historian configuration manager of the primary node stores the tag information of all the data stores in the system. Whenever a client machine requests tag information, the Historian configuration manager sends the corresponding information for all nodes (primary, distributed 1, and distributed 2) to the client machine through the client manager. Suppose the central configuration manager is inactive, in that case, the client manager of the primary node sends the tag information corresponding to the primary node (data store 1) to the client machine. Consequently, the tag information of the other nodes will not be sent to the client machine.

This topic describes how to set a distributed node as a backup node for the primary node.
- Access Configuration Hub.
In the NAVIGATION section, under the Configuration Hub
plugin for Historian, expand Systems, and then select the
system that you want to access.
The selected system and its details appear.
Expand the system to see the corresponding servers.
Select a distributed node that you want to set as the backup.
The selected distributed node's details appear in the DETAILS section.
- In the GENERAL section, enable Support for Browse Tags, if primary server down.
In the upper-left corner, select save.
The selected distributed node is set as a backup for the primary node's configuration manager.