Configure Multiple Tags

About this task

This topic describes how to select multiple tags and configure their properties. This allows you to select two or more tags and configure their relevant properties at once. By default, 100 tags are listed at once in the grid. If you need to configure more than 100 tags simultaneously, you can use the page numbers at the bottom-right corner of the grid to navigate to the next available tags and select them as needed. Depending on the data types of the tags you select, all the properties that are relevant to the selected tags will be available in the DETAILS section for configuration.

Before you begin the configuration of multiple tags, know the following:

  • When you select multiple tags, only the common properties will be displayed in the DETAILS section.
  • The configuration values displayed in the DETAILS section will be of the last tag that is selected. However, the properties you update will be applied to all the other selected tags.
  • When you configure multiple tags, only the configured properties are updated, and all the other properties remain unchanged.
  • When you select multiple tags, aliases are disabled.
The table below provides the properties that will be disabled based on the selection of different tag data types.
Tag Data Type/ Tag Type Properties Disabled
Array, Blob, Multifield Compression, Scaling, Calculation, and Delta mode.
Fixed string, Variable string Compression, Scaling, Calculation, and Delta mode.
Calculation None.
Calculation combined with other tag data types Condition based collection, Time assigned by, and other relevant properties.

For example, if you select Calculation, Array, and Blob, Condition based collection, Time assigned by, Compression, Scaling, Calculation, and Delta mode are disabled.

Non-calculation, Array, Multifield All the properties other than General, Collection, Scaling, Compression, Advanced, Security, Delta, and Spare.
Multifield Array tag.
UDT, Enum tags Enumerated set.
Array, Blob, Scaled, Fixed string, Variable string Enumerated set.


  1. Access Configuration Hub.
  2. In the NAVIGATION section, under the Configuration Hub plugin for Historian, select Tags.
  3. To select multiple tags, select the check boxes corresponding to the tags as needed.
    Alternatively, to select all the available tags, select the check box in the upper-left corner in the grid header.
  4. In the DETAILS section, edit the available properties as needed.
  5. After you edit, in the top-left corner of the main ribbon bar, select Save.