Get Started with Proficy Historian and Operations Hub
This topic guides you through how to get started integrating Proficy Historian and Operations Hub.
The following sections walk you through:
- Configuring a Historian data source (System API or REST API) in Operations Hub. See Configure Historian Data Sources for Operations Hub.
- Creating a Model. See Create a Model for Operations Hub to use with Historian.
- Using the Trend widget to trend model-based Historian data or trend data directly from a Historian. See Use the Trend Widget with Operations Hub.
- Creating a Historian REST query. See Create Historian REST Query for Operations Hub.
- Using the Query in the page designer. See Use the Historian Query in the Operations Hub Page Designer.
Before You Begin
Before beginning, make a note of the following:
- Ensure the Historian Web Clients are installed on the Historian machine; this is very important if you will be using the Historian REST API in Operations Hub.
- Ensure that you can access Historian Web Trending Client from a remote machine or from the Operations Hub machine.
- Ensure that certificates are trusted for both Operations Hub and Historian (not strictly necessary if you use option to ignore TLS/SSL, but a good idea).