Page Building Tools
Use these tools to design visually appealing application pages.
Building tool operations can be applied to graphics, widgets/plug-ins, and lines. You can either select a single object, or use multi-selection to apply these operations.

Tool | Description |
Data Panel | Select the data panel icon to show or hide the components panel and increase the display panel work area. |
Hide Ruler | Select this icon to show or hide the ruler. The ruler appears by default when you create a page. |
Add Card | Adds a card on the page. A card is a container that holds the plug-in
Refresh View | The page refresh icon appears when you edit a page. If the layout gets
distorted, refresh the page. During user interface operations (in particular when using Flexbox layout, or after Undo/Redo operations), the display panel's canvas area might get distorted or misaligned. To recover the page, select the refresh icon to reload the view. |
Delete | Deletes the selected object on the layout. |
Undo | Undo an action on the page. |
Redo | Redo an action on the page. |
Line Connector On/Off | Activates or deactivates the line connector. Use the line connector tool to connect and draw a relationship between two plug-in objects on the page. See Line Connector. |
Bring To Front | When objects overlap on the page, brings the selected object to the very top of the stacking order, making it visually appear in front of all other plug-ins. Apply this if you want the plug-in to be fully visible and not concealed by any other object. |
Bring Forward | When objects overlap on the page, moves the selected object one step forward in the stacking order. |
Send Backward | When objects overlap on the page, moves the selected object one step backward in the stacking order. |
Send To Back | When objects overlap on the page, sends the selected object to the very bottom of the stacking order, making it visually appear behind all other plug-ins. Apply this if you want the plug-in to be positioned at the back, most likely overlapped by other elements. |
Horizontal Flip | Turns the object to create its mirror image. |
Vertical Flip | Turns the object upside-down. |
Align Left | Horizontally aligns all the objects to the left side of the page. |
Align Center | Horizontally aligns all the objects towards the center of the page. |
Align Right | Horizontally aligns all the objects to the right side of the page. |
Align Top | Vertically aligns all the objects towards the top of the page. |
Align Middle | Vertically aligns all the objects towards the center of the page. |
Align Bottom | Vertically aligns all the objects towards the bottom of the page. |
Distribute Horizontally | Horizontally aligns the selected objects and evenly distributes the space between them. |
Distribute Vertically | Vertically aligns the selected objects and evenly distributes the space between them. |
Guide On/Off | Shows the guidelines on the page. |
Guide | Hides the guidelines on the page. |
Guide and Snap On/Off | Shows the page guidelines, and object snap points. |
Guide and Snap Off | Hides the page guidelines, and object snap points. |
Launch/Screen Preview | Launches the end application. |
Full Screen | Select the full screen icon to display in the full screen mode. |