Visuals Tab

This tab provides access to system and custom plug-ins in Operations Hub.

You can configure the plug-ins to work with the components of an application, such as entities and queries.
  1. Open an application page.
  2. Select the Visuals tab.
  3. Drag-and-drop the plug-ins to design your page.

    You can also double-click a plug-in to add to the page.

Following list of plug-in categories are available as System plug-ins:

The Custom plug-ins contains the list of plug-ins saved with custom functionality. Refer to About HMI Graphics.

Plug-in Enhanced Preview

Enhanced preview enables to access the real-time data preview within the page designer itself. Some of the plug-ins under Charts, Display, and Inputs are powered with an enhanced preview feature. This means that the plug-in preview (within the designer) is the same as the result that appears in the end application. Refer to the respective plug-in categories for a full list of plug-ins that support enhanced preview.

Currently, the enhanced preview feature works only when the data is bound to the plug-in using the manual option. Data binding via other methods does not support enhanced preview.


Except Timeline, Spider Chart, Trend Card, and Histogram, the enhanced preview feature is available for all the charts category plug-ins.

Bullet Graph Compares a single value to a target value. Available variants are bullet graph and bar graph.
Histogram Creates a visual representation of data distribution.
Spider Chart Visualizes data in a web-like pattern to compare and analyze multiple data sets.
Trend Card Helps to analyze data trends over a time period.
Note: Do not rotate the trend card plug-in in the page designer.
Variwide Chart Each column in a variwide chart has a separate width to represent the third dimension. Helps to analyze multi-dimensional data.
Sparkline Visualizes events over a time span. The chart displays each data point of a set of time series data as a separate event along a horizontal line. Creates tiny data charts that can fit into compact areas in your application.
Line Chart Use a line chart to visualize data using data points.
Pareto Chart Graphically summarize and display the relative importance of the differences between groups of data.
Pie Chart Visualize data using data points that belong to different categories.
Timeline Create visual charts that help to monitor the progress of your events.


Except DataGrid and Pivot Grid, the enhanced preview feature is available for all the display category plug-ins.

Gauge Bar Presents data in simple bar format.
Gauge Circular Measure data values on a radial scale.
Gauge Linear Measure data values on a linear scale.
Solid Gauge Displays data in six different styles with alert and color limits.
DataGrid Displays data in a tabular format. Supports grouping, filtering, and sorting column data. You can also animate the data cells.
Pivot Grid Visualize data in a multi-dimensional format. You can apply conditions to format cells, filter rows/columns by value, and export data to a CSV file.
Image Insert images in your application.
Indicator Indicator with range limits and styling.
Simple Indicator Simple indicator is a lighter version of the indicator plug-in.
List Display data in bullet points.
Text Display Create display-only text in your application.
Value Display Displays data values with a variety of configurable properties.


Favorite Organizer Create folders and organize your favorite trend charts.
iFrame Load information from external sources.
Breadcrumb Shows the hierarchy to the current asset and allows the user to select any item in the list to trigger a change of context to that asset. Use a breadcrumb for easy navigation in your application.
Note: Do not rotate the breadcrumb plug-in in the page designer.
HTML Editor Helps to create and edit HTML code.


Alarm Card Provides details of the active alarms by their severity levels in the HMI/SCADA system for the selected asset.
Alarm Count Provides the total alarm count by their severity levels in the whole HMI/SCADA system.
CIMPLICITY HMI Webspace Opens a web-based interface to remotely access and interact with the CIMPLICITY HMI and SCADA systems without the need for installing the CIMPLICITY software on each device.
iFIX HMI Webspace Opens a web-based interface to remotely access and interact with the iFIX HMI and SCADA systems without the need for installing the iFIX software on each device.
Mimic Card Displays mimics from the SCADA systems.

HMI Graphics

Use the following list of graphics based on your specific application and industry requirements. See About HMI Graphics.
Gauge High performance HMI graphic to represent pressure, flow, temperature or level gauges.
Mixer High performance HMI graphic to represent agitators or batch mixers.
Motor High performance HMI graphic to represent AC/DC motors, etc.
Pump High performance HMI graphic can be configured to provide real-time feedback on the pump's status, such as flow rate, pressure, temperature, etc.
Tank High performance HMI graphic to represent storage, mixing, or pressure tanks.
Valve High performance HMI graphic to represent centrifugal, displacement, or gear pumps.


The enhanced preview feature is available for all the input category plug-ins.

Button Trigger an action in your application.
Check Box Create mutually exclusive data options.
Date Picker Display date and time in a variety of formats.
Dropdown Create a drop-down list from which operators can select between multiple choices.
DateTime Range Picker Display and edit beginning and ending date time pairs.
Radio Button Create radio button selection list.
Slider Generate a slider selection format.
Text Area Create a text area in your application.
Text Input Insert a text box wherein the operator can enter data that goes in to the database.
Toggle Create a toggle switch.


Interactive Map Create a coordinate/flex interactive map layout.
Repeater Create a flex repeater layout.