Configuration of Logging for Services
You can find log configuration for every service at the following location.
- WebHMI Services:
<Directory where Operations Hub is installed>\webhmi-tomcat\webapps\<Service>\WEB-INF\classes\logback.xml
- IQP Apps:
<<Directory where Operations Hub is installed>\iqp-tomcat\webapps\<site/app/eventengine>\WEB-INF\classes\ logback.xml
Important Configurations
MaxHistory: For more information, refer to
To configure package level logging or any changes on the logging configuration that do
not require restart of the tomcat container.

( scan=true) which detects runtime changes on log level without need to restart the service. But currently it is kept disabled, as it has runtime impact.
You can configure package level logger highlighted as below:
UAA Services
<Directory where Operations Hub is