
With the Breadcrumb plug-in, you can navigate through the asset model.

Operations Hub New Layout Refer to Visuals Tab for more information on the layout of widgets in Configuration Hub.
Operations Hub Classic Layout Refer to About Widgets (Classic)

The purpose of a breadcrumb is to allow you to access an asset's information located anywhere in the asset model hierarchy. A breadcrumb navigation also defines the relationship between different assets in a model.

The breadcrumb navigation is available for all the widgets in Operations Hub. You can navigate in the trend card using breadcrumb.

In the end application UI, to access the breadcrumb, select and browse your model.

You must specify these breadcrumb properties:

Note: When configuring input targets for plug-ins, ensure that no other binding exists for the target query input. To remove a binding from the query input, select the unlink icon next to the binding.

Breadcrumb Properties

Field Name Description
Source Asset Context Select the source (asset name) for an asset context. The selected context appears as a default breadcrumb view in the end application. This asset name must exist in your asset model.
Target Asset Context Select the target for an asset context. This target defines where that output goes on selecting an asset in a breadcrumb, so that it can be fed either to a query or a global.
Target Extension Query for Asset Context Properties Select the target for an extension query. This is a formatted string with a list of properties that defines the hierarchy of the breadcrumb in the end application. For example, consider these crumbs in a hierarchy - first is ‘pump’, second is ‘pump pressure’, ‘pump frequency’, ‘pump vibration’, or ‘pump flow’.